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Madelynn Meredith

Mr. Yerkes

AP English Language

February 24, 2017

Talk to Teachers Analysis

In an excerpt of James Baldwins Talk to Teachers, a speech he gave in 1963 in New

York City, he explains the problems with education and how people treat one another. To show

that everyone is an important part of society and can use the power of their education to change

it, James Baldwin uses paradox, examples, an aggressive yet encouraging tone, and repetition.

Baldwin begins his speech discussing his view on the paradox of education. He believes

that the education system wants students to learn to be able to think for themselves. However,

as you reach a level of a higher education, your independent thoughts and ideas are shut down

by society. Despite the opposition, Baldwin tells us that it is still our duty to change society and

keep it moving forward. He explains his views on the paradox of education in order to expose

this problem with our education system. He wants us all to respect each others rights so we can

escape our backward society.

Throughout the rest of his speech, Baldwin gives an example of what he would do as a

teacher of African American students at the time. He tells us that he would teach them their

worth and importance and that what society believes about them isnt true. That how their race

is represented in the press, in comics,movies, and TV shows is not the reality and such terrible

opinions are thought up by very ill people. Baldwins speaks of these issues in an aggressive

tone that still manages to empower his audience to take action, love one another and accept

everyone no matter their differences. Through this example he uses repetition of the phrases, I

would try and I would teach to emphasize how much Baldwin wants to change about the
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about the education system and society itself. He has much he disagrees with in the way black

children are treated and doesn't want them to feel ashamed of who they are. That the problem

isn't themselves but the brutal society they live in. This idea is further represented when Fidel

Castro is mentioned. Baldwin says, I would try to show him that one has not learned anything

about Castro when one says, He is a communist. Castro is trapped under the generalization

that he is a communist therefore causing society to characterize him as a bad man but this is

only part of his story. Some communists are not good people but all should not be trapped

under the assumption. Similar stereotypes are inflicted unjustly upon many Americans.

Specifically in Baldwin's speech, the African American community. Someone under a label like

Castro shouldn't be automatically assumed evil as an African American shouldn't be thought of

as less than anyone else. Just because one person part of a larger group is cruel does not

mean anyone fitting the same description is just as terrible.

James Baldwin's wrote his Talk to Teachers speech with the hopes of proving every

American's self worth and the importance of education and free thinkers. He wanted to tell his

audience that if theyre not treated the way they deserve then they need to stand up and make a

difference. They must use their education to challenge expectations and if America isn't

accepting of their advancements then those trying to make the world a better place will have the

power to overcome their oppressors and make a better world for everyone.

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