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Human are considered the most intelligent of all species primarily due to their very
developed and complex brain. But they are also the most selfish of all creatures. We have
done a lot of damages to environment due to our selfish reason to live comfortably and
luxuriously, such as throwing rubbish anywhere, throwing factory waste at rivers or lake,
falled the tree at forest or illegal loging, etc

The human ofthen throw rubbish anywhere but the rubbish can we benefit if we
recycling. Recycling is the process of collecting and processing materials that would
otherwise be thrown away as trash and turning them into new products. From example, We
can separated the organic rubbish and anorganic rubbish. The organic rubbish can we manner
became fertilizer and the anorganic can we make became the benefit instrumental such as
hand made. Thus, our environment can clean from set of problem the rubbish. The other
benefit recycling is

Reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills and incinerators;

Conserves natural resources such as timber, water, and minerals;

Prevents pollution by reducing the need to collect new raw materials;

Saves energy;

Reduces greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global climate change;

Helps sustain the environment for future generations;

Helps create new well-paying jobs in the recycling and manufacturing industries in
the United States.

From the this century, there are many factory while can make pollution from environment.
The factory produce smoke and waste. That is became poison for ground, water, plant and
environment. Beside it, the smoke produced of factory while be one with carbon dioxide or
carbon monoxide became rain axid. If the rain axid raining the earth, the plants, animals can
be die. The rain axid will demaged ecosystem at environment.

Illegal logging cause demaged environment too. Illegal logging is logging in the forest with
no legitimate.
Cause of illegal logging

First: There is an ongoing economic crisis resulted in a high price - the price of
consumer goods, while the communities around the forest are already poor are no
longer able to make ends meet, so one of the easiest ways is to use the forests for the
benefit of yourself by utilizing forest road with no regard rules of forest use,
particularly wood, in a way that is not true.
Second: the economic crisis also resulted in companies engaged in the forestry sector,
particularly the timber industry, many businesses are experiencing setbacks, because
of the high price - the price of production, so as to obtain raw materials at low prices
made purchases from unauthorized timber originating from the result of illegal
logging practices.
Third: weak law enforcement, in the absence of concerted action that can enrich the
practice of corruption, collusion and nepotism. Besides, lack of funds or lack of
budget in support of political ability and lack of public pressure. At the community
level, the condition of moral, social and cultural, as well as officials tend to be not
conducive to the preservation of the forest and on the other hand there are many who
buy the wood processing industry and process timber from illegal logging.

Impact of illegal logging

First, the impact of which is starting to feel right now is during the rainy season over
Indonesia often had floods and landslides.
Second, Illegal Logging also result in reduced water resources in forest areas. The
trees in the forest which is usually a water absorbent to provide a water source for the
benefit of the local community, now engulfed illegal loggers.
Third, the decreasing amount of fertile soil layer. Layer of fertile soil is often washed
away flood that hit Indonesia.
Fourth, Illegal Logging also impacts the destruction of a variety of fauna and flora,
erosion, conflicts in society, timber price devaluation, loss of livelihood, and low
income countries and regions of the forestry sector, except revenues from auctioning
of confiscated timber and timber findings by the related.
Fifth, the impact of the most complex of these is the presence of Illegal Logging
global warming are threatening the world now in deep confusion and fear.

The biggest thing that can damaged of environment is green house. Green house will
bounce back radiation infrared from sunlight. The heat caused by infrared radiation is
absorbect by green house gases such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, ozone and methane,
which slowsits escape from the atmosphere. Although green house gases make up only about
1 percent of the earths atmosphere , they regulate our climate by trapping heat and holdingit
a kindof warm-airblanket that surrounds the planet. The green house will increase warm of
global. It make the water at earth more hot from before, the animals and plants will extinct,
increase the ocean surface will make damaged from human.

There are some effect can make environment demaged. We must keep our
environment for next generation. Now, we still feeling the effect about anything we do for
environment. To safe our earth we can do
* Recycling the rubbish to the benefit instrumental.
* Make a law for human who do illegal loging.
* Planting the plants in around our live or reboisation.
* Dont make green house because green house is the biggest constributor about demaged

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