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32 + Building size, shape and numberof floors + Amount of exterior glass + Orientation envelope + Internal loads, oceapants, lighting + Thermal zoning (number of zones, private offces, open ares, we) Office HVAC systems generally rng fom ell unitary, docea- tralized cooling end heating upto lange systems comprising central plans (chillers, cooling towers, oilers, et.) and lange air-fandling systems. Often, soverel types of HVAG systems are applied in one ‘uiding because of special equiements such as continuous oper tion, supplementary cooling ec. n ofice buildings, the class ofthe ‘milding aso affects selection ofthe HVAC systems. For example, in class office building, the HVACRR systems mast meet more stringeat citeria including incividoalthormal conto, nose, and flexibility; HVAC systems such a5 single-2one consant-volume, watersouree heat pump, and peckaged terminal air conditioners (PTACS) might be inapplicable to this class, whereas properly signed varible-ar-volume (VAV) systems ean mee hese require- rents Design Criteria ‘A typical HVAC design criteria covers parameters required for thermal comfort, indoor air quality IAQ), end sound. Theamalcom- fort parameters (lemperatire and humidity) are disassed in ASHRAE Standard $5-2010 end Chapter 9 of the 2013 ASHIRAE Handbook Fundamentals. Veotiltion and IAQ are covered by ‘ASHRAE Standard 621-2010, the user's manual fr that standard. (ASHRAE 2010), and Chapter 16 of the 2013 ASHRAF Hand. ‘ook —Fundamenials. Sound and vibration are discussed Chapter 48 ofthis wolume and Chapter 8 ofthe 2013 ASHRAE Handbook Fundamenas. ‘Thermal comfort is affected by air temperature, humidity, air velocity and mean radint temperature (MRT), aswell as one ronmental factors suchas clothing, gender, age and physical et ity, These variables and how they corelte to thermal comfort can be evaluate by the Thermal Comfort Too! CD (ASHRAE 1997) in conjunction with ASHRAE Standard 35, General guidelines for temperature and humidity applicable for areas in office buildings are shown in Teble 2 All ofc, administration, and support areas need outdoor ai fr ventilation, Outdoor air is introduced to eccupied areas and then exhausted by fans or exhaust openings, removing indoor ar pollu anfs generated by oocapants and anyother building-related sources. [ASHRAE Standard 62.1 is used as the basis for many building ‘Tablo2 Typical Recommended Indoor Temperature and ‘Humidity in Office Buildings Toor Design Condens “Temperature, °F Relative Huy, % Are ‘Winter Sunimer Comments Offces,conforence 70.01074.0 TAD t0 70 room, common areas 20%030% | S0t0 60% ccafeeria M0w73s 78S 201030% 50% Kitchen 19010735 £40%0880 No humidity contol Toile 720 Usually not ‘conditioned Storge 640 [No humidity comet ‘Mectanisa coms 51.0 Ural not conditioned 2015 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications codes. To dafine the ventilation and exhaust design criteria, consult Jocal applicable ventilation and exhaust standards. Table 3 provides recommendations for ventilation design based on the ventilation rate procedure method and filtration criteria for office buildings. Acceptable noise levels in ofice buildings are important for office personnel; see Table 4 and Chapter 4. ‘Load Characteristies Office buildings usually include both peripheral and interior ‘zone spaces. The peripheral zono extends 10 t0 12-8 inward from, ‘the outer wall foward th interior ofthe building, and fequently has ‘Table3 Typical Recommended Design Criteria for ‘Ventilation and Filtration for Office Buildings ‘entiation and Exhanst™™ ‘Gomtined Occupant Outdoar Air Outdoor Air Density" Defaalevalue) per ‘tn per Eficeney, Category __ cfm per Person 1000 cfu? “Unit MERV! Office areas ” 5 608 Reception areas 7 0 6t08 Maia entry n 10 6r08 lobbies “elephoneliaa 6 @ 6008 ° 100 608 ‘Dave on ASHRAE Sion 621-2010, Tables 6-1 wo 64, Fo syns serine sultie ames py lil noe cess poolu NDCV itech ‘82 sion on Demand Comal Verition DCO). ‘Tis able shoud axe ed he ony source feted. Governing ee ede, dis gatainn, ANSUASHRAE Stndon 621010 tod woe mae, (SiiRAE 2019) matte cones, {MER = sma fee epeting vas, ase on ASHRAB Stadt 22-207, ‘See Chae 38 abtonal fron ca ithe een arabes we ta cof san oc ods fer kien ext out ‘se deat orpaney dye se erupt iy ot aon "The enmneodn fer stage it te uct when he eins sted ‘Table 4 Typical Recommended Design Guidelines for HVAC- Related Background Sound for Areas in Office Buildings Toul Citra RCO Catezory QAs82B Comments Bxccuive ad pate 250035 ‘office Conferenco rooms 254038 ‘Telconforencerooms 25 Open-pan office 0 space 235 Wisound masking Corridors end lobbies 4004S Cafeteria 351045 Based service/sappot for hotels Kitchen 35t045 Based on service/oupport for hotels Storage 351045 Based on servicesupport for hotels Mechanical rooms 381045 _ Based on servicelsport for hotels Rowen ‘aed on Tbe 1a Cop 48 RC (om eee), QAI (qty assesment nds) fom Cpt 8 of he 203, “ASHRAE HeudookPandeene

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