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Molina Josselyn

Professor Batty

English 101

27 May 2017

A Little Piece of Mexico in LA

Society seems to be growing by the minute and every time certain places are becoming

more urbanized. Lately, we have had a lot of conflicts with the new president, with him wanting

to kick out every single immigrant but not looking at the bigger picture, which is that there's a lot

of places that are starting to look a little bit like Central America. For example the "Placita Del

Sol." This place look's like many of the places in Mexico in Every way the architecture, the

restaurants, clothing stores and the people who visit are from different cultures; the families also

come for the events that are held throughout the week and weekends. Even though immigrants

are seen as bad people, we bring ideas that are incorporated into our society and brings more

money to our community. Places like this serve to many as a reminder for those people who left

their country because they had to and not because they wanted to.

The architecture of this place is amazing because it is it is like having a little piece of

Mexico in Panorama City. The "Placita Del Sol" is vibrant in colors just like they are in

Mexico. The buildings are build in a way that you can go from one store to the other without

losing one of your kids. The stores are also close together that is easy to move from one store to

the other. The main entrance of the placita is a concrete wall that says welcome and its design is

of flowers that pretty much represents Mexico because many of the buildings in Mexico have

flower designs on them. Many of the walls have paintings which just by seeing them you can see
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that they are inspired by something or someone in Mexico. The architect of this plan had an

image of making this plaza as comfortable for everyone as possible because he included games

for kids, and tables surrounding the plaza, "Within this plaza can be fountains and seating areas

to serve as a gathering place for the farmers market or celebrations and to serve as a meeting

place for visitors and the surrounding residents."(Concept Plan, Calgary.) This plaza brings so

much joy to families because the way that it was designed made it feel like home for families

who had not been in their country for years. Having places like this in our community comes to

show how we as immigrants are not as bad as many want to make it seem.

The "Placita del Sol" is surrounded by restaurants. All of the restaurants are from Central

America; there are some Salvadorian and Mexican restaurants. Some of the restaurants are mixed

what I mean by this is that some restaurants have both cultures in one place. Having a lot of

restaurants in this location is good for our economy because many all of the people who own

restaurant or business have to pay taxes and that's good for all of us whether it comes from

Latinos or any other race. When I was in the Placita, I saw how the people enjoy the food and

how they buy any little thing for their kids even if it's just a drink. We know how kids ask for

something new to eat like every five minutes. Having a vast variety of food is even a greater

advantage, and I know because of my own experiences when my family goes out to the placita

usually we all buy food from a different place and sit together at one table. This place it's

amazing in every aspect because there's so much to do in one place. This place also shows how

immigrants come here to work and make it a better place for everyone.

The placita is not only filled with restaurants this place also has many clothing stores, for
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example, there are a few stores that are Colombian, many of the other stores have clothes

that are inspired by the Central American countries. Every time I have been there I have seen

how many people buy from this stores especially from the Colombian ones because a lot of

people like to buy the famous Colombian waist trainers, my aunt has probably boughten like

three of them because they are made from a special fabric. Well, a lot of people tend to buy

them, and it's good because the stores get to sell a lot. The other stores also sell but not as much

as the Colombian ones do. People buy from the placita clothes because they have great deals on

many of the things that are in right now and many of us will go for the cheaper things. When you

go to the mall's everything is expensive, and we don't just go there to buy food we could because

it's a family welcomed place.

This place is awesome because you get to see people from all different kind of races.

When you go there, you get to meet new people, and they are generous and comfortable people

to talk to. I was in the Placita on a Sunday, and I was impressed by how many people were there

eating and enjoying a wrestling match that was going on. You know one of the things that make

this place even better is that they hold family events throughout the week and people have so

much fun in the events. The Placita has a page where it lets you know a lot of information about

the place "This article also allows you to know about upcoming events, one of the events coming

up is " El Dia Del Nino" which means the day of the kid (Plaza Del Valle). The events are held

in the plaza, and sometimes the audience is included they get to play family games, and other

times they give away things, they also make raffles to support families in need.

In conclusion, The Placita has brought so many people together, and this place is proof
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that us immigrants come here to work and not to be in welfare or to be taking money from the

government. There are times where we have to ask for help but not because we want to but

because we have no other option, or sometimes people don't want to give us a chance because of

all the false opinions the news and people have about us, immigrants. The Placita is an example

of how broad our community is, and sometimes we don't take the time to appreciate that at times

we take those beautiful things for granted. This place has given people the opportunity for a

better life and given people jobs, The "Placita Del Sol" is amazing, and we should go out more

and just get to know other people and enjoy being in touch with the world and just spending

more time with the family.

Works Cited

Panorama Hills Concept Plan. Calgary, AB: Division, 1994. Web.

Plaza Del Valle. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Mar. 2017.

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