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Daftpar pustaka

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2 3. Apley Graham and Louis Solomon. 2012. Buku Ajar Ortopedi dan Fracture Sistem
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3 4. Hansen, John T. 2005. Netters clinical anatomy. 2nd Edition. Philadelpia :

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4 5. Goel, Ayush., Paresh K Desai, et al. Colles Fracture. Available at : Accessed in april 19, 2016
5 6. Mattox, Kenneth L., Ernest, E. Moore., David V. Feliciano. 2013. Trauma. Seven
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6 7. Miller MD. Review of orthopaedics. 4th ed. Philadelphia : Saunders : 2004.

7 8. Koval J Kenneth. Handbook of Fracture. Second edition. Lippincott Williams and

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8 9. De Jong, Wim. 2005. Buku Ajar Ilmu Bedah. Edisi 3. Fraktur. EGC: Jakarta

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10 11. Porrino, Jack A. Distal Radial Fractures Imaging. Available at: Accessed in April 19 ,

11 12. Davis, A. Mark. 2002. The WHO Manual Of Diagnostic Imaging: Radiographic
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