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Madison Riddle

15 Lees Creek Rd Unit J


Graduation Project Committee

Erwin High School
60 Lees Creek Road
Asheville, NC 28806

To Whom It May Concern,

I am Madison Riddle. I am a proud senior of this school and have been since my Freshman year.
I plan to attend college to major in Music and become a Choral teacher. Here is my Proposal for
my Senior Grad Project.

For my Senior Graduation project, I want to argue that the the Native American lifestyle in the
past is much cheaper and more efficient than today's. Native Americans today tend to live the
same lifestyle as us but still incorporate some of the earlier skills of Native American culture into
their life.

My product will result in me learning the ways of Native American culture before Americans
assimilated them and how people survive without technology.

For my mentor, I have chosen my older sister Jennifer. She has studied native american lifestyles
for a long time and has a passion for natural healing. I will be spending 10 hours with her
studying the tools they use and the way they lived.

I have never really learned anything about Native Americans other than what we were taught in
school. I have been interested in learning about their religion and ways of life for a long time. I
have listened to my sister talk about natural healing for as long as I can remember and it is very
fascinating to me.

Since I know practically nothing about Native Americans, this experience is going to expand my
knowledge on how Native Americans lived their life with only their natural surroundings.

Plagiarism is when someone uses another persons words without giving them proper credit and
take the credit for themselves. Its wrong because its stealing. You cant use someone elses
words if you arent going to give proper credit. If that person finds out, they can sue you for it.
Especially if you make a profit from their words.
Thank you so much for your time and consideration.


Madison Riddle

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