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Papillitis is a term used when the optic disc (portion of the

optic nerve that enters the retina) becomes inflamed in one
of the eyes. Papillitis is often unilateral (affecting only one
eye) and is associated with Optic Neuritis.

Papillitis causes significant vision loss and opacification of

the inner disc. Papillitis patients often have a sudden loss of
vision in one eye, changes in the way the pupil reacts to
light, pain when moving the eye and loss of color vision.
Papillitis is often an early warning sign for systematic
inflammatory diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis. Papillitis
may also occur after a viral or bacteria infection such as
sinusitis, especially in children. Papillitis can also be caused
by toxicity to certain drugs or a vitamin B-12 deficiency. A full
medical exam is needed to find out the cause of the papillitis.
This exam usually includes color vision testing, MRI of the
brain and optic nerve, visual acuity testing, and by taking a
look at the optic disc through indirect ophthalmoscopy.

Treatment usually is related to the underlying cause of the

papillitis, that is why it is important to have a full medical
exam when vision loss and pain does occur. Patients
eyesight often returns to normal without treatment in about
two to three weeks. However, intravenous steroids can be
given to help speed up the recovery. People who have
reoccurring attacks of papillitis often suffer permanent vision
References: Encyclopedia of Health.(n.d.).Papillitis-Optic

Neuritis-Symptoms and Treatment. Retrieved on July 1, 2011

Cockerham, Kimberly, M.D.(2011)Papillitis. Retrieved July 1,

2011 from

National Center of Biotechnology Information, U.S. National

Library of Medicine and A.D.A.M. ( 2011). Optic Neuritis.
Retrieved July 1, 2011 from

NORD(National Organization for Rare Disorders). (2005).

Papillitis Abstract. Retrieved July 1, 2011 from

St. Lukes Cataract and Laser Institute. (2010) Optic

Neuritis. Retrieved July 1,2011 from

USA Today: Your Life and Health.(2007-2011).Health

Encyclopedia-Diseases and Conditions-Optic Neuritis.
Retrieved July 1, 2011 from

Prepared by Jody Harris DeLeon

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