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Neuropsycholo`ia\ Vol[ 25\ No[ 6\ pp[ 514530\ 0887

0887 Elsevier Science Ltd[ All rights reserved
Pergamon PII] S99172821"86#990570 Printed in Great Britain
99172821:87 ,08[999[99

Role of the striatum\ cerebellum and frontal lobes

in the automatization of a repeated visuomotor
sequence of movements
 Groupe de Recherche en Readaptation physique\ IRDPQ\ Site Centre Francois!Charon^ $ E  cole de Psychologie^ % Departement
des Sciences Neurologiques\ Hopital de l|Enfant!Jesus^ and & Departement de Radiologie\ Hopital de l|Enfant!Jesus\ Universite
Laval\ Quebec\ Canada

"Received 14 June 0885^ revised 4 May 0886^ accepted 11 September 0886#

Abstract*Recently\ Doyon et al[ 19 demonstrated that lesions to both the striatum and to the cerebellum in humans produce a
similar de_cit in the learning of a repeated visuomotor sequence\ which occurs late in the acquisition process[ We now report the
results of two experiments that were designed to examine whether this impairment was due to a lack of automatization of the
repeating sequence of _nger movements by using a dual!task paradigm and by testing for long!term retention of this skill[ In
Experiment 0\ the performance of groups of patients with Parkinson|s disease\ or with damage to the cerebellum or to the frontal
lobes\ was compared to that of matched control subjects on the Repeated Sequence Test "primary task# and the Brooks| Matrices
Test "secondary task#[ These two tests were administered concomitantly in both early and late learning phases of the visuomotor
sequence[ Overall\ the groups did not di}er in their ability to execute the primary task[ By contrast\ in accordance with the predictions\
patients in Stages 12 of Parkinson|s disease or with a cerebellar lesion failed to reveal the expected increase in performance on the
secondary task seen with learning\ suggesting that the latter groups of patients did not have access to the same level of residual
cognitive resources to complete the matrices compared to controls[ In Experiment 1\ the same groups of patients and control subjects
were retested again 0907 months later[ They were given four blocks of 099 trials each of the repeating sequence task\ followed by a
questionnaire and a self!generation task that measured their declarative knowledge of that sequence[ The results revealed a long!
term retention impairment only in patients who changed from Stage I to Stage II of the disease "suggesting further striatal
degeneration# during the one!year interval\ or who had a cerebellar lesion[ By contrast\ performance of the three clinical groups did
not di}er from controls on declarative memory tests[ These _ndings suggest that both the striatum and the cerebellum participate to
the automatization process during the late "slow# learning stage of a sequence of _nger movements and that these structures also
play a role in the neuronal mechanism subserving long!term retention of such a motor sequence behavior[ 0887 Elsevier Science
Ltd[ All rights reserved[

Key Words] Humans^ procedural memory^ lesion studies^ dual!task paradigm^ long!term retention^ automaticity[

Introduction explicitly such that they are available as a conscious rec!

ollection[ This memory system is dependent upon the
A large body of research has demonstrated the exis! integrity of the medial temporal "i[e[ the hippocampus
tence of a functional dissociation between declarative and and the surrounding cortical areas# and diencephalic
procedural memory systems 80[ Declarative memory structures 81\ 82[ By contrast\ procedural memory refers
corresponds to the ability to store events or facts to the capacity to acquire motor\ visuomotor\ vis!
uoperceptual\ cognitive or other skills gradually through
practice 89[ The anatomical substrate involved in the
incremental learning of skilled behaviors still remains a
' Corresponding author] Julien Doyon\ Ph[D[\ Groupe de
Recherche en Readaptation Physique\ IRDPQ\ Site Centre
source of debate[ However\ there is increasing evidence
Francois!Charon\ 414\ Boul[ Wilfrid!Hamel\ Local B!66\ Que! from both animal and human studies\ which suggest that
bec "Quebec#\ Canada\ G0M 1S7[ Fax] "307# 418!2437^ E!mail] the striatum and the cerebellum\ in concert with associ!
julien[doyonpsy[ulaval[ca ated motor cortical regions of the frontal lobes\ par!

515 J[ Doyon et al[:Automatization of a visuomotor skill

ticipate in this type of memory 8\ 08\ 21\ 25\ 40\ 51\ 83 trials "i[e[ 39 presentations of a 09!item sequence# per day
85[ over six training sessions\ which took place once a week
Evidence in favour of a striatal contribution in during six consecutive weeks[ The results revealed that
incremental learning has come from the study of cell the performance of Parkinsonian patients with a bilateral
physiology 02\ 22\ 71 and neurochemistry 5\ 6\ 72\ as striatal dysfunction "i[e[ Stages 12 of the disease accord!
well as from lesion experiments in rodents 46 and non! ing to Hoehn and Yahr|s scale 30# and patients with
human primates 62\ 63\ 85[ Although some scepticism damage circumscribed to the cerebellum\ but not those
about the validity of this hypothesis has recently been with a lesion limited to the frontal cortex\ failed to
expressed 16\ 092\ research in patients with either Par! improve as much as their matched control subjects in the
kinson|s or Huntington|s disease 19\ 11\ 24\ 26\ 27\ 38\ last three training sessions only[ Moreover\ correlational
51\ 66\ 091 and in normal control subjects using modern analyses showed that the learning de_cit in patients with
brain imaging techniques\ such as positron emission tom! either PD or with a cerebellar lesion was not related to a
ography "PET# and functional magnetic resonance imag! cognitive deterioration\ mood disturbance\ or to a motor
ing "fMRI#\ have also corroborated the notion that the de_cit per se[ By contrast\ no signi_cant di}erence
striatum plays a critical role in the learning of a variety between the three clinical and control groups was seen
of skills 08\ 10\ 29\ 20\ 25\ 33\ 65\ 74[ Likewise\ evidence with respect to their level of declarative knowledge of
in accord with a cerebellar participation in gradual learn! the sequence[ Based on these _ndings\ Doyon et al[ 19
ing after repeated trials has originated from physiological proposed that\ unlike declarative memory\ the incremen!
2\ 8\ 31\ 32\ 44\ 55\ 85 and ablation studies in animals tal acquisition of a visuomotor skill depends upon the
09\ 58\ 76\ 77\ as well as from clinical 19\ 17\ 60\ 68\ 86 integrity of the striatum and the cerebellum[ Further!
and brain mapping studies in humans 08\ 10\ 13\ 14\ 20\ more\ because the impairment was observed in the second
33\ 64\ 73\ 74[ Finally\ in addition to the striatum and half of the training sessions\ they also suggested that these
the cerebellum\ some researchers have suggested that the two structures are particularly important in advanced
motor cortical areas of the frontal cortex "e[g[ pre!SMA\ "slow# learning stages of a visuomotor sequence\ possibly
SMA\ premotor cortex and primary motor cortex# are in the {{automatization|| phase\ during which the for!
involved in skill acquisition as well\ especially those mation of a pattern of response is consolidated 4[
necessitating the learning of ordered sequences 51\ 83\ Several investigators have proposed the use of dual!
84\ 090[ The latter proposal is supported by anatomical task methodology to investigate the level of auto!
evidence which shows that the striatum and the cer! matization of a skill[ This method is thought to test for
ebellum project back to these cortical areas and the pre! the level of attentional resources that subjects can devote
frontal cortex 3\ 47\ 70[ This is also corroborated by a to a second cognitive task as they become more e.cient
series of physiological 34\ 59\ 53\ 54 and ablation studies at performing a learned behavior 7\ 03\ 04\ 29\ 25\ 42[
50 in non!human primates\ as well as by PET and fMRI Indeed\ it has been suggested 28\ 39\ 75 that training on
experiments in which learning!associated changes in cer! a skill learning task modi_es the performance resource
ebral blood ~ow in motor and pre!frontal regions have functions of the individual 69\ such that the capacities
been observed in healthy normal volunteers 19\ 10\ 29\ needed to execute the task decline with practice hence
20\ 25\ 33\ 35\ 61\ 64\ 68\ 73[ leaving room for a second task to be executed[ Other
Recent investigations in humans have demonstrated researchers have proposed that testing for long!term
that the striatum and the cerebellum do not only play a retention of a skill can also be useful to measure the
critical role in the early "fast# learning stages of a vis! subjects| level of automatization of that behavior\ as per!
uomotor skill 14\ 33\ 60 in which considerable improve! formance on tasks that are well learned are less likely to
ment in performance can be seen within a single training deteriorate due to the simple passage of time 49\ 42\ 78[
session\ but that they may also participate in the {{auto! In the present study\ these two approaches were used to
matization|| process which occurs in the late "slow# phase determine whether the de_cit seen in Doyon et al[ 19 in
of the acquisition process 08\ 10\ 20\ 33\ 65\ 74[ In the PD patients with a bilateral striatal dysfunction and in
latter phase of learning during which further gains can patients with a cerebellar lesion\ was indeed due to a
be observed across several sessions "and even weeks# of di.culty in automatizing a sequence of well!learned
practice 35\ 36\ it is believed that the execution of the movements[ It is important to note that the data in the
task becomes automatic\ hence reducing the mental e}ort dual!task condition were gathered concomitantly with
and attention to be directed in performing the skill as those reported in the skill learning study 19[
well as the load on the subjects| working memory capacity
4[ In accordance with this notion\ Doyon et al[ 19
have recently compared the performance of patients with Experiment 0] Automatization of a Visuomotor Skill
Parkinson|s disease\ with a cerebellar lesion\ or with dam! Assessed Using a Dual!Task Paradigm
age circumscribed to the frontal lobes on a version of the
Repeated Sequence Test 56[ This test consists of a visual In our previous study 19\ the impairment in learning
reaction!time task with a _xed embedded sequence of the repeating sequence after a bilateral striatal dys!
_nger movements[ The subjects received four blocks of function or damage to the cerebellum was observed only
J[ Doyon et al[:Automatization of a visuomotor skill 516

in late phase of the acquisition process[ Furthermore\ Parkinsonism\ multiple system atrophy\ cerebro!vascular
the de_cit in these two groups was not related to other disease\ epilepsy\ history of alcoholism\ head injury or tumor\
cerebellar disturbances\ or with disproportionate oculomotor
confounding factors "e[g[ mood disturbance\ motor de_! and autonomic dysfunction were excluded from this study[
cit\ or cognitive deterioration#[ The present experiment Cerebellar `roup "CE#[ A group of 00 patients with a radio!
was thus designed to examine whether the learning logically!documented lesion in the cerebellum was also tested[
impairment was due to a lack of automatization of the Eight of them had damage restricted to the cerebellum proper\
sequence of _nger movements using a dual!task para! whilst the rest had lesions extending into the brain stem or
spinal cord[ All of these patients had dysarthria\ ataxia and
digm[ The performance of the same groups of patients dysmetria\ although the severity of these cerebellar signs
with Parkinson|s disease\ with a cerebellar lesion\ or with di}ered between patients[
damage circumscribed to the frontal lobes who par! Frontal!lobe `roup "FL#[ A heterogeneous group of nine pat!
ticipated in the study by Doyon et al[ 19\ was compared ients with damage circumscribed to the frontal cortex was also
to that of their matched control subjects on the Brooks| seen[ There were 4 patients with left!sided lesions\ 1 with right!
sided lesions and 1 with bilateral lesions "Table 0#[
Matrices test 09 "i[e[ secondary task#\ as they were per! Normal!control `roups "NC#[ Three separate groups of
forming concomitantly the Repeated Sequence Test "i[e[ healthy control subjects were included to match the clinical
primary task#[ These two tasks were administered twice] groups with respect to sex distribution\ mean age and mean
First\ at the beginning "i[e[ early learning stage# after level of education "Table 0#[ Thus\ groups of 8\ 00 and 03
subjects had been exposed 39 times "Session 0# to the subjects were used as controls for the patients with PD\ with a
cerebellar lesion or with damage to the frontal cortex\ respec!
repeating sequence^ and second\ at the end "late learning tively[ None of the control subjects had any positive history of
stage# after they had been given 139 repetitions of the a psychiatric or neurological disorder[
sequence and thus had achieved high pro_ciency on this
new skill "Session 5#[
The automatization phase of a skill constitutes a stage
during which the pattern of responses is consolidated Materials and procedure
and the processing resources necessary to execute other
cognitive tasks become increasingly available with prac! Experimental tasks
tice 4[ It was thus predicted that only the groups of
patients who showed a learning impairment in late phase The subjects| levels of processing resources available while
of the learning process "PD patients in Stages 12 of the executing the visuomotor sequence at di}erent stages of the
learning process was measured with a dual!task paradigm using
disease and those with a lesion to the cerebellum\ 19#\ a version of the Repeated Sequence Test as the primary task
would not demonstrate a signi_cant improvement in per! and the Brooks Matrices Test 01 as the secondary task[
formance across the six training sessions on the Brooks|
Matrices Test 01[ We also expected that such impair!
ment would be due to a reduced level of cognitive
resources available to perform the matrices "i[e[ sec! Primary task
ondary task# because of a lack of automatization of the
This task consisted of a short version of the same Repeated
sequence of movements "i[e[ primary task#[ Sequence Test that was used in the skill learning aspect of the
study 19[ Brie~y\ this test was administered using a response
box that has four identical lights "stimuli# and four buttons\
Method one below "0[64 cm# each light[ The lights and buttons were
arranged horizontally at equidistance from one another[ This
box was connected to an IBM PC computer that controlled
Subjects stimulus presentation and recorded the two measures of interest
for this task] i[e[ the subject|s reaction time and accuracy on
Three groups of patients and of normal control subjects were each trial "Fig[ 0#[
tested in this dual!task condition "Table 0#[ All of the patients The subjects were instructed to use the middle and index
were recruited via the Departments of Neurological Sciences _ngers of each hand\ and to keep one _nger on each of the four
and Neuroradiology at the Enfant!Jesus Hospital in Quebec\ keys[ They were asked to press the button corresponding to the
Canada[ By contrast\ the normal control subjects were either light that was illuminated as quickly as possible\ while making
acquaintances of the experimenters or volunteers from the com! as few errors as possible[ The stimulus remained displayed until
munity[ The patients in each clinical group were screened using the subject made a response[ After the response\ the light went
a basic neuropsychological evaluation in order to exclude those o} and was immediately followed 499 ms later by the display
showing signs of depression or dementia 19[ All subjects gave of another stimulus[ The location of the stimuli was pro!
informed written consent for their participation in this experi! grammed in a speci_c sequence of 09 positions[ Hence\ if one
ment[ This study was approved by the Ethics Review Board of were to designate the four possible locations as 0\ 1\ 2 and 3
the Hopital de l|Enfant!Jesus\ Quebec\ Canada[ from left to right\ the sequence was the following] 3!1!2!0!2!1!
Parkinson|s disease `roup "PD#[ This group was composed of 3!2!1!0[ In this dual!task condition\ each block of trials was
00 patients who had received a diagnosis of idiopathic Par! composed of three continuous repetitions of this 09!item
kinson|s disease "PD# "Table 0#[ They were divided into two sequence without any pause between them\ so that each block
subgroups based on the severity of the disease using Hoehn and appeared as a continuous series of 29 trials[ The subjects were
Yahr|s scale 30] Stage 0 "n  5#^ Stages 12 "n  4#[ When not informed of the presence of the repeating sequence\ nor did
prescribed\ patients were taking optimal levels of levodopa they receive feedback concerning the latencies or accuracy of
medication at the time of testing[ Patients with drug!induced their responses[
517 J[ Doyon et al[:Automatization of a visuomotor skill

Table 0[ Subjects characteristics

PD NC Cerebellar NC Frontal NC
Group "n  00# "n  8# "n  00# "n  00# "n  8# "n  03#

Age] Mean years "S[D[# 43[7 "5[2# 42[6 "3[6# 24[5 "7[7# 27[6 "00[5# 39[8 "06[0# 35[2 "00[9#
Education] Mean years "S[D[# 02[9 "4[0# 02[6 "1[8# 01[4 "2[2# 02[6 "2[0# 00[2 "2[3# 02[5 "2[0#
Sex "female:male#] 5:4 3:4 7:2 3:6 3:4 6:6
Diagnostic] VCA] 1 Vasc[ malf[] 1
OPCA] 0 Astrocytoma] 1
CA] 5 Meningioma] 2
SP] 1 Kystic lesion] 0
Abcess] 0

Stage of the disease0 I] 5

II] 1
III] 2

Duration of the disease] 94 years] 2 94 years] 5

509 years] 1 509 years] 4
0010 years] 5

Side of lesion Left] 1 Left] 0 Left] 4

Right] 2 Right] 0 Right] 1
Bilateral] 5 Bilateral] 8 Bilateral] 1

Site of lesion Orbitofrontal] 2

Dorsomedial] 0
Dorsolateral] 4

Medication L!Dopa] 00
Artane] 2
Cogentin] 0
Parsitan] 2

VCA] Vascular cerebellar accident^ OPCA] Olivo!ponto!cerebellar atrophy^ CA] Cerebellar atrophy^ SP] Spino cerebellar atrophy^
Vasc[ malf[] Vascular malformation[
Source] Hoehn + Yahr|s Scale "0856#[

Secondary task

The Brooks Matrices Test was used as the secondary task in

order to interfere with the visuospatial processing that is elicited
while executing the repeating visuomotor sequence[ In this test\
subjects were required to keep in mind a visuospatial pattern
made of _ve digits in a 33 matrix\ the location of each digit
being dependent upon auditory instructions that were com!
municated to them via a cassette player "Fig[ 0#[ They were _rst
asked to follow directives\ which instructed them to always
place the _rst digit in the same {{Starting|| box "1nd row\ 1nd
column of the matrix# and to position the remaining four digits
in separate\ but connecting boxes[ Following completion of a
trial\ subjects were given a template on which a matrix was
illustrated and were then required to indicate the location
of the _ve digits from memory[ A di}erent set of auditory
instructions representing a unique visuospatial pattern of digits
was administered on each experimental trial[ The dependent
measure of interest was the number of directional movements
per matrix that were correctly reproduced based on the auditory
instructions[ A total of 05 di}erent sets of instructions were
recorded and were divided into two groups "A and B#\ which
Fig[ 0[ Diagram illustrating the materials used and a rep! were administered on separate occasions "see Experimental
resentative experimental trial in the dual!task performance situ! design#[
ation[ Before the dual!task session began\ the subjects were given
J[ Doyon et al[:Automatization of a visuomotor skill 518

appropriate instructions and a number of practice trials to the double\ nor of the triple interactions were signi_cant[
familiarize themselves with the Brooks| matrices task[ First\ The latter _ndings suggest that patients and control sub!
two trials were given in which a template of the matrix was
placed in view of the subjects who were required to write down jects did not di}er in their pattern of correct responses[
the digits in the appropriate boxes at the same time as they were Reaction time[ Figure 1a\ 1c and 1e illustrate the geo!
hearing the instructions[ Second\ two other practice trials were metric mean RT of all subjects| groups for the two exper!
administered in which a template was again placed in view of imental conditions "single vs dual tasks# in Sessions 0 and
the subjects who were now asked to wait until the end of the 5[ Note that Fig[ 1a shows the performance of the two
auditory instructions before writing the digits in the appropriate
boxes[ Finally\ _ve additional trials were given in which the subgroups of patients with PD and their matched control
subjects were required to wait until the end of the auditory group "so that it is possible to compare with the results
instructions before writing the digits in the boxes[ This time\ obtained on the secondary task#\ but that the statistical
however\ the template was hidden from the subjects view during analysis was performed using the data from the entire
the instructions[ Performance in the latter condition was used group of PD patients[ The reaction times of all subjects
as a control measure of the subjects| ability to perform the
Brooks| Matrices Test 01 alone[ were transformed to logarithms to reduce skewness in the
distribution and the subsequent ANOVA|s were per!
formed using this transformation[ These analyses
Experimental design revealed a main e}ect of Group for the cerebellar!control
comparison only "F"0\19#  03[4\ P 9[990#[ Highly sig!
Both the primary and the secondary tasks were administered ni_cant e}ects of practice and of experimental condition
concurrently in two separate testing sessions\ which were held were obtained in the three analyses\ all subjects being
after subjects were given either 39 or 139 repetitions of the 09! faster on Session 5 than on Session 0\ while being slower
item repeating sequence "i[e[ after Sessions 0 and 5 in the pre!
in the dual than in the single task condition "Session] PD\
vious skill learning study 19#[ On each experimental trial\ they
were asked to execute a block of 29 trials with the repeating F"0\06#  57[7\ P 9[9990^ CE\ F"0\19#  44[5\
sequence task\ at the same time as they were completing a P 9[9990^ FL\ F"0\10#  67[4\ P 9[9990^ Condition]
matrix[ Eight experimental trials were administered in both PD\ F"0\06#  099[86\ P 9[9990^ CE\ F"0\19#  156[5\
testing sessions[ Finally\ the order of presentation of the two P 9[9990^ FL\ F"0\10#  134[6\ P 9[9990#[ Except for
groups of instructions "A and B# was counterbalanced within
a SessionGroup and a ConditionGroup interaction
each group of subjects[
in the comparison involving the CE group\ all of the
other double and triple interactions did not approach
signi_cance[ These results suggest that\ in general\ the
Results performance of the subjects| groups was a}ected similarly
by dual!task condition in both testing sessions[
The results of the primary and secondary tasks were Secondary task[ The results of separate ANOVA|s for
analysed using mixed!design analyses of variance "ANO! repeated measures on the number of directional move!
VA|s# for repeated measures[ These analyses were con! ments correctly reproduced "Fig[ 1b\ 1d and 1f# revealed
ducted comparing the performance of each clinical group that PD patients "F"1\06#  2[89\ P 9[94# and those
"or subgroup in the case of the PD patients# to that of with a cerebellar lesion "F"0\19#  8[62\ P 9[90# made
their respective group of normal control subjects[ When signi_cantly more errors on this test than their controls[
necessary\ post hoc comparisons were performed using In addition\ a signi_cant main e}ect of Session was
the NewmanKeuls procedure[ observed in the comparisons between the PD\ CE and FL
groups and their controls "PD] F"1\06#  4[63\ P 9[94^
CE] F"0\19#  7[38\ P 9[90^ FL\ F"0\10#  38[13\
Primary task P 9[9990#\ indicating that subjects in these groups
improved their performance from Session 0 to Session 5[
Accuracy[ Subjects in the three clinical and control More importantly and as predicted\ however\ a sig!
groups were very accurate on this task\ the mean number ni_cant GroupSession interaction was obtained for
of correct responses per sequence "max  09# ranging both PD and CE groups "PD] F"1\06#  4[61\ P 9[91^
from 7[788[89[ Results of separate ANOVA|s revealed CE] F"0\19#  02[95\ P 9[90#\ but not for the FL group[
that all the patients| groups made signi_cantly more Subsequent analyses comparing the performance of each
errors than their respective groups of control subjects subgroup of PD patients to the normal control subjects
"PD] F"1\06#  3[61\ P 9[94^ CE] F"0\19#  05[16\ with a repeated!measures ANOVA yielded a signi_cant
P 9[990^ FL] F"0\10# 05[1\ P 9[990#[ Although the interaction for the patients in Stages 12 of the disease
Group main e}ect was signi_cant for the PD patients\ only "F"0\01#  7[06\ P 9[91#[ Further analyses
the results of post!hoc comparisons conducted on the revealed that the de_cit observed in the groups of patients
data of each subgroup of PD patients did not reach with PD "Stages 12#\ or with damage to the cerebellum\
signi_cance[ The only other signi_cant main e}ect was in the secondary task could not be due to an inability to
that of Session in the analysis with the CE group and perform the Brooks| Matrices Test for two reasons[ First\
their controls\ indicating that these subjects were overall there was no di}erence in performance between the clini!
more accurate on Session 5 than on Session 0[ None of cal groups and their respective groups of control subjects
529 J[ Doyon et al[:Automatization of a visuomotor skill

Fig[ 1[ Results of the subjects| groups for the Repeated Sequence Test "primary task# "a\ c\ e# and the Brooks Matrices Test "secondary
task# "b\ d\ f #[ The data points in the single condition of the primary task correspond to the mean reaction times of Blocks of trials
0 and 3 that were administered in Session 0 and 5 of the skill learning study 19[
J[ Doyon et al[:Automatization of a visuomotor skill 520

with respect to the number of directional movements the clinical and control groups on Brooks| matrices did
reproduced in the _ve matrices that were used in the not di}er on Session 0[ If a de_cit in dividing attention
introduction session to control for the subjects| ability to following a bilateral striatal dysfunction or damage to
perform the Brooks| Matrices Test when administered the cerebellum was the source of impairment on the sec!
alone "PD] F"1\06#  1[94\ P  9[05^ CE] F"0\19#  1[34\ ondary task\ di.culties should have been observed\ not
P  9[02^ FL] F"0\10#  9[93\ P  9[74#[ Second\ no sig! only on Session 5\ but on Session 0 as well[ Instead\ the
ni_cant group di}erence was obtained "using a one!way fact that only patients in advanced stages of PD and in
ANOVA# when they were compared on Session 0 only\ the CE group did not improve on Session 5 "i[e[ after 139
"PD] F"1\06#  9[12\ P  9[68^ CE] F"0\19#  1[35\ presentations of the 09!item sequence 19#\ suggests that
P  9[02^ FL] F"0\10#  0[87\ P  9[85#\ suggesting that they did not have the same level of cognitive resources to
the level of performance of the patients did not di}er devote to performing the matrices[ It is important to note
from that of the controls when they were _rst tested in that this impairment was observed in the same groups of
the dual!task condition[ Also\ the latter _nding suggest patients who showed a learning impairment in late phases
that the patients had a similar level of cognitive resources of the acquisition process of the repeating visuomotor
available to perform the secondary task at the beginning sequence in our parallel study 19[ Together\ these results
of learning[ support the hypothesis that the impairment reported by
Doyon et al[ 19 in acquiring such a visuomotor skill
after damage to the striatum or the cerebellum was due
Discussion to a lack of automatization of the repeated sequence of
_nger movements in late "slow# learning phase 35\ 36[
The results of the three clinical groups on the primary Such a de_cit can be conceptualized as an inability
task indicate that\ overall\ patients did not di}er from the to combine the di}erent _nger movements into a single
control subjects in their ability to execute the repeating integrated unit with extended practice and thus\ the pre!
sequence when another visuo!spatial task was intro! sent _ndings suggest that both the striatum and the cer!
duced[ Each group showed a signi_cant e}ect of ebellum contribute to the automatization of this co!
condition\ as they were much slower to respond in the articulation process[ This does not mean\ however\ that
dual!task than in the single!task condition[ In addition\ the impairment following damage to these structures
this di}erence in performance was still evident on Session results from the same underlying information processing
5[ This suggests that\ even after 139 repetitions of the mechanisms[ Indeed\ Laforce and Doyon 40 have
embedded sequence\ the patients and control subjects had recently demonstrated a double functional dissociation
not achieved complete automatization of the sequence of between the striatum and the cerebellum and have sug!
movements and thus that they were still in the pro! gested that the striatum plays a critical role in per!
ceduralization process 4[ Such a _nding is consistent ceptivomotor learning mechanisms based on stimulus!
with the elegant work of Karni et al[ and his colleagues response types of associations\ whereas the cerebellum is
35\ 36 who have shown that healthy control subjects preferentially involved in the ability to integrate separate
could only reach asymptotic performance of a simple 4! movements into a ~uid sequence[ Thus\ although similar\
item sequence of _nger movements after 3 weeks of daily the de_cit observed following damage to both structures
practice "0419 min:day#[ More importantly\ however\ would suggest that the impairment in automatizing the
the fact that performance of the patients| groups in the sequence of _nger movements could be due to di}erent
dual!task condition did not di}er from that of their mat! cognitive processes[
ched control subjects\ suggests that the divergence in the The notion that the striatum and the cerebellum are
results on the secondary task observed in the PD Stages involved in the automatization phase of a visuomotor
12 and the cerebellar groups cannot be due to a di}er! skill is consistent with several functional imaging studies
ence in the way subjects were performing the repeating with PET and fMRI\ in which a change in hemodynamic
sequence task[ responses in both of these structures have been associated
By contrast\ the results of the present study dem! with the learning of a repeating sequence of movements
onstrate that\ as predicted\ patients in Stages 12 of PD using a very similar paradigm 08\ 10\ 14\ 33\ 65\ 74[ This
or with damage to the cerebellum\ but not those with a is also in accord with single!cell recording experiments in
frontal!lobe lesion\ were impaired on the Brook|s Matr! the striatum and the cerebellum 8\ 02\ 22\ 71\ 85\ which
ices Test 01[ Further analyses showed that this de_cit have demonstrated the existence of highly speci_c _ring
did not result from an incapacity to perform the matrices patterns during the learning of a motor skill[ Indeed\ the
per se\ because the performance of patients in both PD hypothesized role of the striatum in the automatization
and CE groups did not di}er from that of their respective process is reminiscent of the work by Shultz et al[ 71
groups of control subjects\ both when this task was who have described a decrease in the sensitivity of dopa!
administered alone in the practice session and when it minergic brain stem neurons to rewarding stimuli as the
was _rst given in a dual!task condition "Session 0#[ Fur! animal becomes over!trained on a conditioning para!
thermore\ such an impairment could not be due to a digm[ This is also consistent with the studies by Graybiel
di.culty in attentional capacities\ as the performance of et al[ 23 who have demonstrated in the striatum the
521 J[ Doyon et al[:Automatization of a visuomotor skill

Fig[ 2[ Results of the subjects| groups on each block of trials of the Repeated Sequence Test in both Session 5 of training and the
retention session[ The data points in Session 5 correspond to the mean reaction times of Blocks of trials 03 that were administered
in Doyon et al[ 19[
J[ Doyon et al[:Automatization of a visuomotor skill 522

existence of tonically active neurons that begin to signal blocks of 099 trials followed by the administration of two
rewarding stimuli only as a conditioning task becomes tests "a short questionnaire and a self!generation task#
well!learned[ The proposal that the cerebellum par! that measured the subject|s declarative knowledge of the
ticipates as well in the automatization phase of learning sequence[ It was predicted that the groups of patients who
is supported by a recent study by Bloedel et al[ 00 showed a learning de_cit late in the acquisition process\
who recorded the modulation of multiple single neurons possibly because of a lack of automatization of the
located in the di}erent cerebellar nuclei as cats were learn! sequence of movements "i[e[ patients in Stages 12 of PD
ing to move a manipulandun through a groove maze[ or with a cerebellar lesion#\ would exhibit an impairment
These authors found a signi_cant increase in amplitude in long!term retention of this visuomotor skill[ By
of the cells| response\ which was correlated with an contrast\ the performance of the clinical groups on the
improvement of the cat|s performance on the task[ They declarative memory tests would not di}er from their con!
suggested that the cerebellum is involved actively in the trol subjects[
incremental acquisition of a motor skill\ especially in
the process during which the strategy for performing a
learned movement becomes established[ Method
Patients with frontal!lobe lesions did not di}er in per!
formance from their group of control subjects in both Subjects
primary and secondary tasks[ Further qualitative analy!
ses of the performance of the individual patients within Three groups of patients and of normal control subjects were
this group did not reveal any di}erence in the pattern of included "Table 1#[ These subjects had participated in the skill
learning study 19 and in Experiment 0 with the dual!task
results when the e}ect of side or site of lesion "i[e[ dividing condition[ Again\ all subjects gave informed\ written consent
the patients into those who had damage in the dorso! for their participation in this experiment\ which was approved
lateral\ orbitofrontal or medial region of the frontal by the Ethics Review Board of the Hopital de l|Enfant!Jesus\
lobes# was analysed[ These results\ together with the fact Quebec city[
that the same patients did not reveal any learning impair! Parkinson|s disease `roup "PD#[ This group consisted of 04
patients who had received a diagnosis of idiopathic Parkinson|s
ment of the repeating sequence in the skill learning aspect disease "Table 1#[ At the time of testing for retention\ subgroups
of the study 19\ implies that the frontal cortex does not composed of 2 and 6 PD patients\ did not show any sign of a
play a signi_cant role in the acquisition of a visuomotor signi_cant clinical deterioration and thus were still considered
sequence\ nor in its automatization phase[ There is ample to be\ respectively\ in Stage 0 and Stages 12 of the disease[ By
evidence which suggests\ however\ that the frontal lobe\ in contrast\ _ve patients had changed from Stage 0 to Stage 1
"called PDCS# during the approximate one!year delay period[
particular\ the primary motor cortex\ the lateral premotor It is important to note that the clinical status of the PD patients
regions and supplementary motor areas\ contributes to who showed a motor deterioration during the delay and those
the learning and production of willed sequences of actions who did not\ was assessed by a neurologist "Dr P[ J[ Bedard#
0\ 18\ 3436\ 61\ 83\ 84\ 86[ Consequently\ the apparent associated with our research team using the Hoehn and Yahr|s
discrepancy between the latter results and our _ndings scale 30[ On average\ these patients were tested 01[0 months
"S[D[  9[5# after the last training session in the skill learning
may simply be explained by the fact that the patients in study 19[ Again\ when prescribed\ patients were taking optimal
this group had lesions that did not encroach on these levels of levodopa medication at the time of testing[ Patients
motor cortical regions[ with drug!induced Parkinsonism\ multiple system atrophy\ cer!
ebro!vascular disease\ epilepsy\ history of alcoholism\ head
injury or tumour\ cerebellar disturbances\ or with dis!
proportionate oculomotor and autonomic dysfunction\ were
Experiment 1] Automatization of a Visuomotor Skill also excluded from the present experiment[
Assessed by Testing for Long!Term Retention Cerebellar `roup "CE#[ Twelve patients with a radiologically!
documented lesion in the cerebellum were also tested "Table 1#[
The results of Experiment 0 suggest that the learning Eight of them had damage restricted to the cerebellum proper\
impairment reported by Doyon et al[ 19 following a whilst the rest had lesions extending into the brain stem or the
spinal cord[ All of these patients had dysarthria\ ataxia and
bilateral striatal dysfunction\ or a lesion to the cerebel! dysmetria\ although the severity of these cerebellar signs
lum\ could be due to a di.culty in automatizing the di}ered between patients[ They were retested on average 02[1
repeating sequence of movements[ In the present study\ months "S[D[] 1[1# after the last training session[
the {{automatization hypothesis|| was tested again\ but Frontal!lobe `roup "FL#[ A group of 7 patients with di}erent
with a di}erent theoretical approach[ Instead of using a etiologies\ but whose damage was nevertheless circumscribed
to the frontal cortex\ were also seen "Table 1#[ There were 3
dual!task paradigm\ we sought to determine\ for the _rst patients with left!sided lesions\ 1 with right!sided lesions and 1
time\ whether damage to the striatum and the cerebellum with bilateral lesions[ This group was seen on average 09[4
impairs the long!term retention of a repeated visuomotor months "S[D[  9[7# after the last practice session[
sequence[ Patients with either Parkinson|s disease\ or Normal control `roups "NC#[ A total of 27 normal control
with damage involving the cerebellum or the frontal cor! subjects were also included in this study[ They were subdivided
into three groups to match the clinical groups with respect to
tex and their respective groups of normal control subjects\ sex distribution\ mean age and mean level of education "Table
were retested once 705 months later on the same 1#[ The delay between the training and the retention sessions
Repeated Sequence Test[ The subjects were given four ranged\ on average\ from 00[702[4 months[
523 J[ Doyon et al[:Automatization of a visuomotor skill

Table 1[ Subjects characteristics

PD NC Cerebellar NC Frontal NC
Group "n  04# "n  04# "n  01# "n  01# "n  7# "n  00#

Age] Mean years "S[D[# 45[6 "5[6# 43[2 "7[0# 26[2 "09[2# 39[1 "02[2# 27[8 "05[4# 39[8 "03[5#
Education] Mean years "S[D[# 02[4 "3[5# 01[8 "1[7# 01[4 "2[5# 02[2 "1[5# 00[2 "2[3# 02[5 "2[0#
Sex "female:male# 6:7 7:6 7:3 6:4 3:3 5:4
Delay between training and 01[0 "9[5# 02[4 "2[2# 02[1 "1[1# 01[0 "0[5# 09[4 "9[7# 00[7 "1[2#
retention in months "S[D[#

Diagnostic VCA] 1 Vasc[ Malf[] 1

OPCA] 0 Astrocytoma] 1
CA] 5 Meningioma] 1
CACGP] 0 Kystic lesion] 0
SP] 1 Abcess] 0

Stage of the disease0 I] 2


Duration of the disease 94 years] 94 years] 6

509 years] 2 509 years] 4
0010 years] 7

Side of lesion Left] 0 Left] 0 Left] 3

Right] 1 Right] 0 Right] 1
Bilateral] 01 Bilateral] 09 Bilateral] 1

Site of lesion Orbitofrontal] 2

Dorsomedial] 0
Dorsolateral] 4

Medication L!Dopa] 04
Artane] 3
Cogentin] 0
Parsitan] 2

VCA] Vascular cerebral accident^ OPCA] Olivo!ponto!cerebellar atrophy^ CA] Cerebellar atrophy^ CACGP] Cerebellar atrophy
with calci_cations of the globus pallidus^ SP] Spinocerebollar atrophy^ Vasc[ Malf[] Vascular malformation[
Source Hoehn + Yahr|s Scale "0856#[

Experimental tasks questionnaire that comprised the following three questions] "a#
Did you notice anything about the task<\ "b# Did you ever
The subjects| levels of retention of a visuomotor skill was notice any pattern or sequence< and "c# What was the sequence<
assessed using an identical version of the Repeated Sequence Subjects were given one point per positive response "total  2
Test to that used by Doyon and colleagues 19\ whereas their points# on Questions 0 and 1 and were given an additional point
declarative knowledge of the sequence was measured with a only if they were able to reproduce the entire sequence of 09
short questionnaire and a self!generated task[ stimuli in the right order[ Second\ they were required to com!
Repeated sequence test] visuomotor skill learnin`[ The material plete two blocks of 099 trials in a self!generated sequence task[
was the same as described in Experiment 0[ In this task\ the In the latter task\ subjects were told that\ instead of pressing
subjects were again required to use the middle and index _ngers the button below the light that was illuminated\ they now had
of each hand and to keep one _nger on each of the four keys[ to press the button corresponding to where they thought the
They were asked to press the button corresponding to the light next stimulus should appear in the sequence[ In this task\ accu!
that was illuminated as quickly as possible\ while making as racy was more important than speed[ Again\ a rest period of 89
few errors as possible[ The same sequence used by Doyon et al[ s separated the two blocks of trials[
19 was repeated again[ The subjects were given four exper! These two tests were always administered after the subjects
imental blocks of trials in a single retention session[ A short had completed four blocks of trials in the repeated sequence
period of rest "89 s# was allowed between each block of trials[ condition in order to warranty that the primary measure of
Repeated sequence test] declarative memory tasks[ Following interest in this study "i[e[ the long!term retention of the skill#
the last experimental block of trials of the Repeated Sequence would not be in~uenced by the fact that subjects were reac!
Test\ the subjects| declarative knowledge of the sequence was quainted with the sequence during the declarative memory
assessed in two ways[ First\ they were asked to complete a short tasks[
J[ Doyon et al[:Automatization of a visuomotor skill 524

Results FL groups with the control subjects revealed that they

did not di}er with respect to their level of accuracy\ as a
The dependent variables of interest in the present unique main e}ect of Group and a single GroupSession
experiment were the mean number of correct responses interaction were observed\ respectively\ using the S5!R
and reaction time for the skill learning aspect of the measure with the PDCS subgroup "F"0\07#  6[77\
Repeated Sequence Test\ as well as the mean number of P 9[94# and the S5[B3!R[B0 indices with the CE group
accurate responses on the two tests measuring the level "F"0\11#  5[59\ P 9[94#[
of declarative knowledge of the sequence[ Reaction time[ The analyses comparing the reaction
time data of the PD patients who stayed in Stage 0 or in
Stages 12 of the disease with those of the control group
Repeated sequence test] visuomotor skill learning "Fig[ 2 and Table 2# yielded only a highly signi_cant main
e}ect of Session\ which was seen independently of the
Long!term retention for the repeating sequence was retention measure used "Stage 0] S5R] F"0\05#  33[61\
assessed using three di}erent measures[ First\ subjects| P 9[9990^ S5!R[B0] F"0\05#  34[83\ P 9[9990^
performance taken from the four blocks of trials in Ses! S5[B3!R[B0] F"0\05#  32[95\ P 9[9990^ Stages 1!2]
sion 5 of training 19 was compared to that of the four S5!R] F"0\14#  23[27\ P 9[9990^ S5!R[B0] F"0\14# 
blocks of trials in the retention session "S5!R#[ Second\ 45[95\ P 9[9990^ S5[B3!R[B0] F"0\14#  37[67\
data from Session 5 of learning were compared to those P 9[9990#[ No signi_cant GroupSession interaction
of the _rst block of trials from the retention session "S5! was observed on either measure when the PD patients in
R[B0#[ Finally\ the results of the fourth block of trials Stage 0 were compared to control subjects[ Although
from the training session were compared to those of the the latter _ndings are consistent with our expectations
_rst block from the retention session "S5[B3!R[B0#[ For because these patients did not show a learning impair!
each of these indices\ separate analyses of variance ment in the _rst place 19\ this lack of _ndings may
"ANOVA|s# for repeated measures were conducted con! simply be due to the small sample size "n  2# in this
trasting the results of each clinical group to that of their group[ Contrary to our prediction\ however\ the Group
respective groups of normal control subjects[ As for the x Session interaction never reached the level of sig!
PD patients\ the analyses were _rst performed using the ni_cance in the PD patients who were in Stages 12
data from each subgroup "Stage 0\ n  2\ Stages 12\ "n  01# at the time of testing[
n  01# as they were evaluated clinically at the time The results of the PDCS\ CE\ FL and their respective
of the retention session[ Subsequent analyses using the groups of control subjects in the four blocks of trials for
results of the _ve patients who changed from Stage 0 to both Session 5 of training and the retention session are
1 "PDCS# within the one!year delay period were also illustrated in Fig 2a2c\ whereas the outcomes of the
carried out in order to examine the e}ects of further statistical analyses using the di}erent dependent mea!
nigrostriatal degeneration on retention of the visuomotor sures of retention for each of the groups comparisons are
skill[ However\ only the results of the statistical analyses summarized in Table 2[ As shown in the latter table\ a
comparing the latter subgroup of PD patients to the signi_cant main e}ect of Group was only seen in the
group of control subjects are reported in Table 2 and cerebellar group "S5!R] F"0\11#  08[76\ P 9[990^ S5!
Figure 2\ as they were the only subgroup who dem! R[B0] F"0\11#  05[71\ P 9[990^ S5[B3!R[B0]
onstrated a signi_cant di}erent pattern of retention[ F"0\11#  06[43\ P 9[990#\ suggesting that these pat!
Three di}erent "instead of a single# measures of retention ients were slower than controls to respond when per!
were used to show that the results were robust and not forming the sequence[ All subjects| groups "including the
only a re~ection of the type of retention indices employed[ FL group# were also signi_cantly slower to respond in
Accuracy[ Overall\ the subjects in this study were very the retention session compared to the last training session
accurate\ the mean number of correct responses within a "PDCS] S5!R] F"0\07#  22[67\ P 9[9990^ S5!R[B0]
sequence "max[  09# ranging from 7[68[6[ When the F"0\07#  75[16\ P 9[9990^ S5!B3!R!B0]
PD patients who stayed in either Stage 0 or Stages 12 F"0\07#  84[46\ P 9[9990^ CE] S5!R] F"0\11#  24[78\
during the delay period were _rst compared\ the analyses P 9[9990^ S5!R[B0] F"0\11#  53[97\ P 9[9990^
on each of the dependent measures taken separately S5[B3!R[B0] F"0\11#  53[66\ P 9[9990^ FL] S5!R]
revealed main e}ects of Group "S5!R] F"0\14#  00[49\ F"0\06#  00[51\ P 9[90^ S5!R[B0] F"0\06#  10[63\
P 9[90^ S5!R[B0] F"0\14#  09[54\ P 9[90^ S5[B3! P 9[990^ S5[B3!R[B0] F"0\06#  06[06\ P 9[990#[
R[B0] F"0\14#  8[28\ P 9[90# and Session "S5!R[B0] Most importantly\ however\ signi_cant GroupSession
F"0\14#  4[81\ P 9[94^ S5[B3!R[B0] F"0\14#  4[80\ interactions were observed in both PDCS and CE com!
P 9[94# for those in the more advanced group only[ parisons "PDCS] S5[R] F"0\07#  3[68\ P 9[94^ S5!
However\ there were no signi_cant GroupSession R[B0] F"0\07#  09[4\ P 9[90^ S5[B3!R[B0]
interaction for either group on the dependent measures\ F"0\07#  02[02\ P 9[90^ CE] S5!R] F"0\11#  5[52\
suggesting that the PD patients did not di}er from con! P 9[94^ S5!R[B0] F"0\11#\ P  9[9415#[ These inter!
trols in the number of errors made over time[ Also\ as actions were due to the fact that these patients showed a
reported in Table 2\ comparisons of the PDCS\ CE and greater deterioration in performance over time than their
525 J[ Doyon et al[:Automatization of a visuomotor skill

Table 2[ Summary of results of the statistical analyses com! Session\ nor any GroupSession interaction on either
paring clinical and normal control groups on the Repeated task "Table 3#[
Sequence Test

PDCS vs NC CE vs NC FL vs NC
Measure d[f["0\07# d[f["0\11# d[f["0\06# The main _ndings of this study are that\ compared to
Accuracy matched control subjects\ PD patients who changed from
S5!R G Stage 0 to Stage 1 of the disease "hence suggesting further
S5!R!B0 striatal degeneration#\ as well as those with damage to
S5[B3!R!B0 S S GS the cerebellum\ did not show as much retention of the
ability to produce the repeating visuomotor sequence\
Reaction time
S5!R S GS GS S approximately a year after they had been exposed to
GS extensive training of this skill[ Interestingly\ such an
S5!R[B0 S GS$ GS S impairment in the retention of this skill was observed in
GS% a group of patients who had developed a striatal dys!
S5[B3!R!B0 S GS GS S function that was similar to those "in the case of the PD
PDCS  subgroup of PD patients who changed from Stage 0 CS subgroup#\ or were the exact same patients "in the
to Stage 00 of the disease during the one!year delay period[ case of the CE group#\ who had previously demonstrated
CE  cerebellar group[ FL  frontal!lobe group[ NC  nor! a learning de_cit in late phase of the acquisition process
mal control group[ S5FS1 last training session from our 19[ Thus\ similarly to the declarative memory system
previous study[ S5[B3  fourth block of trials in Session 5[ that is critical for both explicit learning and long!term
R  retention session[ R[B0  _rst block of trials in the reten!
tion session[ G  main e}ect of group[ S  main e}ect of retention of information\ these results suggest that the
session[ GS  interaction groupsession DF  degree of striatum and the cerebellum are not only critical for the
freedom[ acquisition of a visuomotor sequence\ but that they may
 P 9[94\  P 9[90\  P 9[990\ %P  9[9415\ also play a role in the neuronal mechanism subserving
$ P  9[9460[ long!term retention of such a skill[ Indeed\ the present
_ndings suggest that damage to these two structures
would disrupt the consolidation of visuomotor skilled
behaviors and the development of further long!term rep!
respective groups of control subjects "Figs 2a2c#[ Inter! resentational changes that can occur in both motor cort!
estingly\ such interactions were also observed for all of ical and subcortical structures with extended practice[
the di}erent types of retention measures\ except for the The latter notion is in accord with that of Gabrieli et al[
S5[B3!R[B0 measure in the CE vs NC comparison which 15 who proposed that the striatum and the cerebellum
failed to reach the level of signi_cance[ participate to the learning of visuomotor skills\ but that
Subsequent analyses comparing the subjects| per! the long!term representation of this skill would be located
formance on Session 5 vs the last block of trials on the at a cortical level and not within those structures[ This is
retention session "S5!R[B3# were also performed in other also consistent with a slightly di}erent idea proposed by
to verify that the loss in speed seen on Block 0 of the Doyon 08 who suggested that both the striatum and the
retention session was caused by a de_ciency in retention cerebellum play a critical role in the automatization phase
of the skill rather than by a general slowing of response[ of learning of a skill\ but when normal control subjects
The results of all the group comparisons did not reveal have learned an ability and have practiced it until it
any signi_cant e}ect of Group\ Session or Group! becomes automatic and overlearned\ the long!term {{neu!
Session\ suggesting that di}erence in performance in ral representation|| of that skill may then be mediated by
the retention session of the PDCS and CE groups was a distributed cortical and subcortical system involving
not due merely to a motor deterioration per se[ only the motor related regions "e[g[ M0\ SMA\ pre!
Repeated sequence test] declarative memory tasks[ motor# of the frontal lobe and the striatum\ but not the
Explicit knowledge of the sequence was assessed by com! cerebellum[
paring the mean number of correct answers on the short The results of this experiment contrast with those in which
questionnaire that were obtained in Session 5 of training intact retention of a visuomotor skill has been reported in
with that observed in the retention session using an amnesic patients with heterogeneous etiologies using either
ANOVA for repeated measures[ A similar type of a very similar version of the Repeated Sequence Test 37\
ANOVA for the self!generation task was also performed 57 or other skill learning tasks 06\ 07[ Amnesia in humans
using the mean number of accurate responses on the is known to be produced following bilateral damage to
second block of trials of the sixth training session "S5[B1#\ medial and diencephalic regions 48\ 80[ By contrast\ no
and those on Block 0 of the retention session "R[B0#[ The de_cit in skill retention is usually observed following lesions
results of all the comparisons between clinical and control to this neural system\ nor to the frontal lobes[ Thus\ the
groups did not reveal any signi_cant e}ect of Group or present _ndings reinforce the notion that the striatum and
J[ Doyon et al[:Automatization of a visuomotor skill 526

Table 3[ Results of the declarative memory tasks in Session 5 of training and the retention session for all the subjects| groups on the
Repeated Sequence Test

PDCS NC Cerebellar NC Frontal NC

Group "n  4# "n  04# "n  01# "n  01# "n  7# "n  00#

Questionnaire "Mean:2 "S[D[##

Session 5 1[9 "9[5# 1[0 "9[5# 0[7 "9[6# 0[7 "0[9# 0[5 "9[0# 0[8 "9[6#
Retention 1[9 "9[5# 1[0 "9[4# 1[0 "9[6# 1[2 "9[5# 0[7 "9[7# 1[1 "9[5#

Self!generated test "Mean:09 "S[D[##

Session 5 5[8 "0[2# 6[0 "1[5# 4[7 "1[2# 5[8 "2[7# 5[6 "1[8# 6[8 "1[3#
Retention 5[5 "1[4# 5[1 "1[9# 5[6 "0[8# 4[7 "1[7# 6[9 "1[0# 6[9 "1[3#

the cerebellum are part of a separate neural network\ which after the subjects had terminated the four blocks of trials
allows a sequence of movements "and possibly\ other skills in the repeating sequence condition[ It is thus possible
as well# to become rapid and automatic with practice\ as that the lack of di}erence between groups could be due
well as to be maintained over long periods of time[ to the fact that the subjects| declarative knowledge of the
The fact that a retention impairment was found in the sequence was reactivated while performing the repeating
PDCS group "the same patients who had showed normal sequence[
learning of the sequence in the skill learning study 19#\
suggests that further dysfunction of the nigro!striatal
pathway causes subjects to loose an ability over time[ Conclusion
This last _nding would suggest that the striatum does
not only contribute to the learning and retention of a To our knowledge\ the results of Experiment 0 with
visuomotor skill\ but that it also constitutes a potentially the dual!task paradigm constitute the _rst demonstration
important cerebral station within which the motor pro! in clinical populations\ that an impairment in the
grams necessary for executing a skill e.ciently could be incremental learning of a visuomotor skill following a
stored[ Although much conjectural\ such idea would be dysfunction in the striatum or cerebellum may be due to
consistent with animal work\ which has shown that stri! a di.culty in the automatization process of the skill using
atal neurons undergo changes in responsiveness during a dual!task paradigm[ Together with _ndings from pre!
incremental learning 02\ 22\ 23\ 71[ vious investigations\ which have demonstrated an impair!
Considering that the level of retention of a skill may ment in the early stages of skill acquisition on a variety
constitute a measure of the degree of automatization of of tasks following damage to these two structures 19\ 11\
that particular ability 49\ 42\ 78\ the present _ndings 12\ 66\ the present results suggest that the striatum and
support the idea that the striatum and the cerebellum are the cerebellum are involved in the automatization phase
implicated in this latter phase of learning[ Such interpret! of learning a motor sequence[
ation is in accord with the results of Experiment 0\ in Finally\ intact retention of a variety of skills has often
which we have demonstrated a de_cit in the auto! been reported after variable delays in normal control
matization of the same repeating visuomotor sequence subjects and amnesic patients 1\ 05\ 15\ 37\ 52\ 57[ This
using a dual!task paradigm in the groups of patients with study\ however\ constitutes a _rst attempt to test for
PD "Stages 12# or with a cerebellar lesion[ This is also retention of a visuomotor skill a year later in groups of
consistent with a recent PET imaging study 10\ in which patients who had or had not shown a learning impairment
we observed peaks of cerebral blood ~ow "CBF# activity in the _rst place[ The present results extend those of our
in both the ventral striatum and the cerebellum when the previous studies and suggest that the striatum and the
repeating sequence was well learned\ whereas no focal cerebellum are engaged in neuronal mechanisms that will
increase in CBF was seen when subjects were beginning allow a skill to be maintained in long!term memory[
to learn a new sequence[
Finally\ no signi_cant di}erence between each of the
clinical group and their respective group of control sub! Acknowled`ements*We would like to express our appreciation
jects was observed on the declarative memory tasks[ to the patients and control subjects who participated in the
These results agrees with our own _ndings 19\ as well present experiment[ We would also like to thank Rhonda Amsel
as those from other studies 06\ 66\ in which a functional for her statistical advice\ as well as Dr Morris Moscovitch\ Dr
dissociation between declarative and procedural memory Adrian M[ Owen\ Philip Jackson\ Martin La~eur and Marie!
Christine Ouellet for their comments on an earlier version of
systems has been reported in similar groups of patients[ this text[
However\ the last _ndings must be taken with caution as This work served as partial ful_lment for the requirements
the declarative memory tests were always administered of a Ph[D[ degree to R[ Laforce Jr[ and a master degree to G[
527 J[ Doyon et al[:Automatization of a visuomotor skill

Bouchard and D[ Gaudreau[ This research was supported in Psycholo`y] Human Perception and Performance\
part by grants to Julien Doyon from the Natural Sciences and 0878\ 04\ 575699[
Engineering Research Council OGPIN 901 and the {{Fond! 04[ Brown\ R[ G[ and Marsden\ C[ D[\ Dual task per!
ation de l|Hopital de l|Enfant!Jesus||\ Quebec city\ Canada[ formance and processing resources in normal sub!
jects and patients with Parkinson|s disease[ Brain\
0880\ 003\ 104120[
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