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Herman Pineda.

Answer the following issues:

a) When do we have to use description in everyday life?
In the school or on the job, for example one use of the use of the
description is when a witness of a crime have to describe how the
crime happened.
b) What is the purpose of descriptive writing?
The purpose is create dominate details for the reader, the writer have
to provide all the details and language for create the impression of
what the text want to describe.
c) Why is it important to evoke the senses?
It is important for have a successful writing, it mean the writer have
provoke to the reader use his imagination, while he is describing the
thing in the text
d) How should a descriptive essay be organized?
It is the part of the descriptive essay that introduce the subject and
provide the thesis.
Built the details about what have been writing in the introduction, in
this part is important use a special arranges, like chronological in
crescent order.
In this part, the writer has to be able to tell the reader the overall
importance of what the essay is about, in really fewer lines.
Please select one descriptive essay topic and create an outline for
the essay indicating how you would organize the introduction, the
body and the conclusion.
Describe a time that you felt excited.
First time in exciting games in amusement park
Make you feel really exciting, and the fear will be
adrenaline after be in a game.
Maybe with friends it will be more fun?
The games attractions are big, and others are frightening.
While you see the people climbed there, and here their
shouting, it seem some funny, and you will want be
Go with friends it make the experience funnier and you can feel
It is because you can laugh about what the other felt
after go down of a game or the expression of them have
while they were there.
In fewer word, go to there is funny.
Go with friends make it funniest.

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