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Factors affecting labor progress

- passageway
- true pelvis: inlet, mid pelvis, outlet
- 4 types
- gynecoid
- android
- anthropoid
- platypelloid
- fetal head
- bone - 2 forntal, 2 parietal, bones, occipital
- molding: shift so that there is enough room for baby to come out, will go back to
normal, no need to shape
- sutures: frontal, coronal, sagittal, lamdoidal
- fontanelles: anterior (4 side) & posterior (3 side)
- sides b/c bone
- landmarks: mentum, sinciput, bregma, occiput
- bregma: anterior fontanelle
- sinciput: forehead -- frontal
- vertex is middle of head -- parietal
- occiput: back part of babys head -- occipital
- mentum: chin
- engagement: process of fetal presenting part into the pelvic bone
- position
- r/l mothers right or left pelvic bone side
- o/ - occiput
- t/a/p: transverse, anterior, posterior
- breach - head is up
- primary forces: no control
- secondary forces: voluntary control
psych factors can stop labor
BOW - bag of water, amniotic fluid in sac
1st stage: transition -- im going to die.
2nd stage: 10 cm dilation and birth of infant
water does not havet o break to push /labor
labor does not mean water has broken, not necessary
vomit 3-4 or 7-8 cm
internal rotation -- toward moms core/spine

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