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MALACANAN PALACE, MANTA ' 29 May 2017 SEN. AQUILINO “Koko” PIMENTEL It! Senate President The Philippine Senate Pasay City Dear Senate President Pimentel. Pursuant to the provisions of Article VI, Section 26 (2) of the 1987 Constitution, 1 hereby certify to the necessity of the immediate enactment of House Bill No. 5636 (the proposed Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion Act), entitled: “AN ACT AMENDING SECTIONS 6, 6, 22, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 79, 84, 86, 99, 106, 107, 108, 109, 116, 148, 149, 155, 171, 232, 237, 238, 264 AND 288; CREATING NEW SECTIONS 148-A, 150-A, 237-A, 264-A, 264-B AND 265-A; AND REPEALING SECTIONS 35 AND 62, ALL UNDER REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8424 OTHERWISE KNOWN AS ‘THE NATIONAL INTERNAL REVENUE CODE OF 1997',” to address the immediate need for tax reforms in order to achieve a simpler, more equitable, and more efficient tax system characterized by lower personal income tax rates, a broader value-added tax (VAT) base, and higher excise taxes on oil praducts and automobiles, among others. The benefits to be derived from this tax reform measure will sustainably finance the Government's envisioned massive investments in infrastructure thereby encouraging economic activity and job creation, as well as fund the desired increase in the public budget for health, education and social programs to alleviate poverty. Best regards. Very truly yours, oe, Copy funished: ‘Speaker Pantateon 0. Alvarez Toune of Ropresentatves Batasan Hille, Quezon Cy Sex, Adelina B. Sitoy President Lagllatve Liloon Oct ‘UF New Executive Bldg. ‘Matacafiang, Manta ‘THR PRESIDENT OF THE PHILIPPINES , REPUBLIC OF THE PurLiOPNRS PRRD 2016 ~ 02575 Office of the President of the Jbilippines: Malacaiiang 29 May 2017 SEN. AQUILINO “Koko” PIMENTEL Ill Senate President The Philippine Senate Pasay City Dear Senate President Pimentel: We are transmitting the letter of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, certifying to the necessity of the immediate enactment of, House Bill No. 5636 (the proposed Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion Act), entitled: “AN ACT AMENDING SECTIONS 5, 6, 22, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 79, 84, 86, 99, 106, 107, 108, 109, 116, 148, 149, 155, 171, 232, 237, 238, 264 AND 268; GREATING NEW SECTIONS 148-A, 150-A, 237-A, 264-A, 264-B AND 265-A; AND REPEALING SECTIONS 35 AND 62, ALL ‘UNDER REPUBLIC ACT NO, 8424 OTHERWISE KNOWN AS ‘THE NATIONAL INTERNAL REVENUE CODE OF 1997',” pursuant to the provisions of Article VI, Section 26 (2) of the 1987 Constitution, Best regards. i Very truly yours, fe aC SALVADOR C. MEDIALDEA Executive Secretary A, coxit Ui iE Pi ave OFF] Copy trnished: : oor Hogg See. ‘Speaker Pantalaon D. Alvarez * pa 5 D wl ° hy ous * = House Speaker House of Representatives Nis A Batagan Hils, Quezon City ARELERSE, ty See, Adelino B, Sitoy Head Presidential Legislative Liaison Office 2IF New Executive Bidg, Malacanang, Manila < Lip Me Ollie of the PresiBent of the Philippines sMataianang, SPEAKER PANTALEON 0 ALVARE? ‘Houne Spanier Hote of Raprenentatves Satsaan tien Donn Cy aur Sear vara Preaiined Redign Fesa Dutt. oeddyry I Wr a raring 8 i ne nateeety ol tho mmediaia @raconard cf Heute Bi Mi SEM (the or atom Sos Accaletnon ar inchinin ACh arti “AN ACT AMENDING SECTIONS 3,6, 22,2425, 21,39, 34 79, 84 ‘86, 90, 106, 107, 108, 100, 116, 148,140, 188, 171, 282. 247, 290, 264 ANO 288: CREATING NEW SECTIONS 140A. 150A 217.8, 204-8, 048 AND 265.4, AND REPEALING SECTIONS 35 AND G2 ALL UNDER REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8424 OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE NATIONAL INTERNAL REVENUE CODE OF 199) ~ unsN I the provewans of Arica VI Sectian 38 xz) of tne 1987 Ganaliuton Sestrmoants ery tu SALVADOR C. MEDIALDEA ‘Exaeutva Gacreiney A, eh ne elle = mao fe Ane By i tae et lina sore SPEAKER PANTALEOND. ALVAREZ Noise Sean Howel of Reserves Satvann Mile, exon Cy Dna Spinahn Avan Pacwuant 10 the prowsone iy eat 10 tne Necessity 6 ‘proposed Tis lla for Acceleration wd ichus “AN ACT AMENDING SECTIONS 6, 6, 22, 24, 25, 21, 33, 34, 79. 14. 86 $9, 106, 107, 108, 10%, 146, 148, 140, 168, 171. 238.297, 250. 284 AND 28; CREATING NEW SECTIONS 142-A, 10. 237A 7808, 796-8 AND 265-0: AND REPEALING SECTIONS 25 AND 62. ALL UNDER REPUBLIC ACT NO. £424 OTHERWISE KNOWN AS. THE NATIONAL INTERNAL REVENUE CODE OF 1997)" to ndsraas the immediane need far tax retormns in otdes ta achieve simpler, ind cautablo, and mate efficen| lax synters characinsized by lower persona cir fay Tt fr bioadey value-ad6ed tox (VAT) basa, and fagher exoixe tures On OF producte and ‘automobiles. among cites The benefits ia be derived trom tha ax rele messi w fuitarnbbly Chores the Goweirinants envisioned (ARE. ieieeiments in ifrattructure theleey encouraging seonemc activity and job cawation, a9 wa m fund the desres fpomease in the pubic budget fie health, education and eocial piogiams to, Winey poverty Brest roger ory in you TIME RESIDBNT OF THE Flan.

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