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By Royal Charter wy VT ‘S)) ee JAN LY CHAT LUONG - ISO 9001:2008 Xe nn ring: CONG TY TNHH HOA NHUA DE NHAT L6 B02, Buding 03 Khu Céng Nghiép tic Hoa 1, Ap 5, X8 Bite Hoa Bdng, Huyén Dic Hoa, Tinh Long An, ‘viét Nam Gilt giy ching nhan $6: FM 551529 va thy(e hin Hé théng Quan ly Ch&t Luong phil hop véi cdc yéu cu cla ISO 9001:2008 cho, pham vi: San xuat va kinh doanh éng nhya PVC, HDPE, PP-R va cac phy kién Oe ai dign cho tp doan BSI: ‘Gim Boe Toan CBu Ve KY Thuat, Alfred Au Ngay aang ky dau ten: 07/08/2009 Ngdy higu lye: 07/08/2015 Naay sia déi sau cing: 08/06/2015 Ngay hét higu ye: 06/08/2018 Trang: 1/1 CTY TNHH HOA NHYA 08 NHAT sag ¥ BAN CHINH -THANG.....WAM--rraking excellence a habit” “This cetfiate was issued electronical an remals the property of BSL andi bound bythe constons xeon ‘an dcr cetficate canbe authentsted nln, Printed copies can be vated at wav bsarou, conven Diectacy or tlephane +84 (8) 38 200066 Further darfiators regarding the scope of his cericate andthe aplcabity of S0 900: 2008 requirements may be ebained by consulting the ‘rnin Ts nthe vad ony provided gal copies are incomplete set. norman and Conc: BS, Kterark Court, Davy Avenue, Knowl Milton Keynes MKS OPP Te: + 44 B45 080 8000 Eat fesranes UK Lite, registered n England under umber 7805321 at 389 Chiswick High Road, London WA 4AL, UK. ‘Amare ofthe BSI Gp of Companies. TONG CUC TIEU CHUAN BO LU'ONG CHAT LUQNG NG TAM KY TH GIAY CHU’NG NHAN 86: 18-13 Cheng nhan san pham : ONG NHY’A uPVC DUNG CHO NGANH NU'OG Higu: DE NHAT inh danh nghia: DN20; DN25; DN32; DN40; DN50; DN63; DN75; DN90; DN110; DN125; DN140; DN160; DN180; DN200; DN225; DN250; DN280; DN315; DN355; DN400; DN450, DNS0O, DN560; DNE9O (mm) Duge san xudt tal: CONG TY TNHH HOA NHVA DE NHAT Ap 5, x8 Dire Hda Dong, huyén Bite Hoa, tinh Long An Pha hyp voi tidu chuan : ISO 4422-2:1996 : Pipes and fittings made of unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) for water supply - Specifications Part 2: Pipes (with or without integral sockets) Phuong thie ching nhan : Phwong thirc 5 (Thong tu sé 28/2012/TT-BKHCN ngay 12/12/2012 iia BO Khoa hoc va Gong nghé) VA DUOC PHEP SU DUNG DAU CHUNG NHAN PHU HOP CUA QUATEST 3 iy ching nhgn nay va du chit lwong c6 gid tr tir 26/04/2013 dén 25/04/2016 i a GIAM DOG 8 NHAT Tp. HO Chi Minh, ngay Ngay cdp chimg nhan lén dau: 22/05/2010

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