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1. What path does food follow through the digestive system?

Label the sequence

from 1 to 5 starting with where it enters the body.

Small Stomach Mouth Large Esophagus

intestine intestine

2. Match the organs with the description:

1. _________mouth A. makes bile

2. _________ large intestine B. produce juices in the mouth

3. _________ liver C. chew food and adds waste

4. _________ stomach D. where digestion begins

5. _________ villi E. water removes, solid stored

6. _________ salivary glands F. tiny finger like projection

G. where gastric juices are released

3. Complete the sentences

a) Process that carries out the waste as indigested food __________________

b) Place where the bolus is formed __________________

c) Structure where chime is formed __________________

d) one of the accessory glands __________________

4. Color the organs according to the color:

- Pancreas yellow
- Small intestine pink
- Salivary glands brown
- Rectum red
- stomach purple
- liver green
- esophagus orange
- Large intestine black

5) In which organ does nutrient absorption mainly takes place? What other
functions does this organ perform?


6) What structures favor the process of absorption?


7) Where do these nutrients go when they are initially absorbed? Where are these
nutrients distributed after that process?


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