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Chicken Biryani

Serves 4

Portions of fruit &

Hob needed Oven needed
vegetables per serving:

Ingredients Amount Preparation

basmati rice 385g (13 oz or 3 cups)

cut into small

chicken breast 2 medium

onion 1 finely chopped

Ginger (powdered) teaspoon

garlic 1-2 cloves crushed

cinnamon sticks 2 pieces

Cardamom pods 23

cloves 23

bay leaves 2

cumin powder teaspoon

coriander powder teaspoon

natural yoghurt 2 tablespoons

water 600mls (1 pints or 4 cups)

vegetable oil 1 tablespoons

frozen Peas 120g (4oz or 3 handfuls)

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Food Net NHS 2008. For more information on Food Net activities 0121 465 2786
Chicken Biryani
1 Warm up the oven to Gas Mark 2 / 150C / 300F.
2 Heat the oil in a saucepan and fry the onion until soft.
3 Mix all the ingredients (except the rice and water) with the chicken, add to
onion, and cook for 10 minutes over a medium heat.
4 Dont forget to check the chicken after a few minutes and stir well. Add
75mls or cup of water then simmer for another 10 minutes.
5 Wash the rice and put in another pan. Cover with the remaining water, bring
to the boil and simmer until cooked.
6 When the rice is cooked, mix it into the chicken mixture.
7 Line a medium sized roasting tin with silver foil (or a casserole dish with a lid
can be used instead) and then put in the rice and chicken mixture.
8 Place another piece of foil over the top to cover and make sure the steam
doesnt come out.
9 Cook in the oven for 10 minutes then serve.

244 Calories Per serving

Fat 3.1g

Saturates 0.4g

Sugars 1.3g

Salt 0.2g

Handy Hints
This is a low fat version of a favourite spicy dish which is usually high
in fat.
Serve with fresh salad to add a portion of fruit and vegetables.
To make the dish even lower in calories, use vegetables instead of

Food Net NHS 2008. For more information on Food Net activities 0121 465 2786
Chicken Biryani

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