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Argumentative Essay Reflection

Writing my argumentative essay was a challenge for me learning how to do research and

then put it together in an essay; as writing as has never been a strong subject for me. Along with

the challenge for me writing an essay another struggle I faced doing this was the research on my

topic for my argumentative essay as it was tough if not tougher being such a sad and depressing

topic, which I personally got upset several times during this assignment.

After submitting my first draft on my argumentative I had Diana and another source read

my essay and they both helped me with revisions on my paper. Diana made several helpful

corrections and questions on wording that I needed to correct. After Diana added her corrections

and helpful points to revise my essay she wrote; very sophisticated essay-just some issues with

grammar, MLA, and run-on sentences overall, great job! Nancy Plum is a long time radio

announcer how speaks daily on topics over the radio, she spends a lot of time herself writing and

researching for her stories along with a team at the radio station of course. Nancy actually went

over my essay before I gave Diana a copy to read over. Nancy is a definitely what they call the

grammar police which helped me really clean up my essay before passing it on to Diana.

Diana and Nancy really helped me in their peer review of my argumentative essay as they

both had helpful feedback for me.

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