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Context: For this portfolio I was provided with the task of researching ethical and legal

standards of conduct. In particular I found Portland Public Schools Staff Handbook to be an

excellent resource. I have casually browsed through the handbook before but investigating it in
a more in depth context was extremely beneficial to me. I personally think that every educator
should rise to the standard of practicing ethical and legal conduct and I pledge to do the same
throughout my career as an educator.

Connection: This outcome was one of the most impactful for me. Throughout this process I
have been able to purposefully define my philosophy of education and to reflect upon my
journey in getting this degree. However, looking at the profession of education in a legal
standpoint has been paramount. When I was beginning the process of becoming an educator I
didnt have a realistic idea of how extensive the legal and ethical practices within this
profession are and I now I do.

Contemplation: The idea that I really grasped throughout this outcome was how much ethical
and legal practices interconnect within the field of education. It was very beneficial to
understand what is expected from me as an educator in terms of standards of conduct. In
particular the section on the scope of practice for para-educator, limits of personal expression
in work environment, and supervision requirements in public school settings. I found this
outcome to be a great resource outside of myself and my degree program.

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