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Feedback to a parent on Sia:

Dear __________

Sia is currently achieving an overall C grade in her narrative writing and

this means she is currently working at stage outcomes for her year
level. Her narrative was well constructed and she did well to include all
features. She has the potential to use a given idea and develop a well
thought out story. She can consistently form all letters with appropriate
size, slope and shape and is starting to develop fluency in her writing. I
have attached a copy of the rubric that was developed to mark this
sample and also a work sample that achieved a D grade so you can
view the expectations and ways to achieve a higher grade.

Sia is achieving an overall C grade, however she is working beyond the

year level in particular areas. She did an excellent job at connecting to
the picture that was provided to produce the story, correctly spells most
simple and complex words, applies consistent handwriting and
effectively uses time connectives to sequence the story.

Sia needs to revisit the structure in a narrative to ensure it is organised

with the orientation, complication and resolution. This will help her
organise her writing into paragraphs, which is an important feature in a
narrative. Classroom activities will be applied to develop this, as we will
be learning to brainstorm our ideas with templates, using already
written narratives and correctly ordering them and focusing on
expanding her vocabulary. I will assist Sia with her writing and aim to
push her to expand on her ideas. By focusing on these areas it will
improve the fluency in her writing and allow her to be able to achieve
beyond her level in text structure.

Building Sias skills in creative writing can allow her to improve

academically. You can allow your daughter to improve her skills in
creative writing by playing word games, supporting creativity, and
reading to her. Perhaps if Sia draws at home she could use this drawing
as a starting point and create a story around it verbally to you.

Sia is currently producing well constructed narrative based around a

particular idea. If she continues to apply herself in class discussions and
in the development of skills mentioned, your daughter will be able to
achieve and produce narratives at a higher grade.

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