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AUS BER STORES 1. Which of the following groups conains islands whieh are NOT located in the Caribbean Sea? (A) Bermuda, Cuda, Jamaica (B) The Bahamas, Bermuda, Jamsica (©) Betmude, Cuba, Turks and Caicos (D), TheBahamas, Bermuda, Torksand Caicos 2. WhichoFthe following Amerindian groups setledin CenralAmericain pre-Columbian times? (A) Mayas (B) Tainos (©) Ciboneys (©) Kalinagos 3. Asociety may BEST be described as & (A) setof customs and traditions (B) place to practise norms and values (©) eroupofpeoplefromibesame rece {D) collection of people living in the 4. Which of the following BEST deseribes the near extermination ofthe indigenous population aused by Europeanexplortion {hl settlement inthe Caribbean region? (a) Slavery (B) Suicide (©) Genocide (0) Infanticide 5. The term ‘cultro* may BEST be defined the way of life ofa people state and terry erestions ‘orm and values (a) Tonly (®) Land tlonly (©). Land Ml only @)) nang On111O10CAPE 2015 “The caste system has been called a close system of social sratiieation because 1. membership is through birth I members within the easte are ‘expected to interact I, members within the easte are ‘expected intermarry (A) Lenty @) Landi only {> land only ©} ana movements thet impact and infiuenee the earth's surface are also Known a5 (A) ootanic activites (B) > plate tcronies (©) plate boundaries {D) Caribbean activities “The term ‘eeole has boon used to refer to 1. language II, authitepersontominthe Caribbean It, enslaved persons born in the Caribbean (a) Tony (B) Land tLonly {©)__ and tlonly ©) land Me Polygan has been advised by the ‘avialtral agency in his country that the [BEST farming technique for him tous o his land is sol conservation. Which oft following methods of conservation shou! he practise? (A) Monceropping, ()__ Shifting cultivation {€)) Crop rotation and diversifiation {D) Bulldozing hillsides and lane clearance (GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE 10. Which ofthe following ie NOT regarded 14, as typical family type in the Caribbean’? f (A) Nuclear (8)! Invi (©) Extended | (D) Single parent 11, Which of he following family types was introduced tothe Caribbean by the East Indians? 1s. (A) Noclesr (8) Neolocal (©) Matrifocal | (©) 5 Sointhousehold 12. Whichorthefollowing Caribbean culinary practices didindigenous peoples influence? 1. Use af eassarvep 16. TL Use of salted codfish HL, ishos made Fem mize (4) Menly (B)_ Land tl only (©) Vand tH only (Dy Wand Menly 13. Which of the following statements does 17 NOT apply to the Noting Hil Caraval? (A) Itisheldin Leeds (©) Itisone ofthe largest in Europe (©) West Indian migrants ineoduced ‘his carnival (©) 1 1976, riots occurred which involved youth and the police. (2207010/CAPE 2015 Which of the following sports was used by the white planter class to demonstrate ‘oor andracil superiority overtheir black subjects? (A) Soccer (B)) Cricket (©) Football (D) Baseball Julia migrated tothe United States where ‘she works and sends money’to her rather ‘who taker care ofher children, Thiemoney fs known as (i sum rption LED semttace 3) ives Whichofthefollowingtypesofdevslopment secks to protect future generations worldwide? (A) Glotat (®) Human (©) Economie (D) > Sustainable Which oftnefotlowing indicesaremeasures ‘of hur developmen? Life expectancy Litersey GNP {and It only and I oaly Hand il only {itand GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE 18. Which ofthe following factors can hinder evelopment? (A), _ifcint justice system (B)) Rigid elas suatifontion (©) Teshnologial advancement (G) _tnereased foroign investment 19, Gender inequaiy is factor that hinders development. Which of the following sections results in gender inequality? 1 1, i a ®) © ©) Fathers are denied paternity leave “Women can ight dierimination in the law courts Males are gueranteed secondary ‘ection 1 and I only and 1 ony Hand Il oaly land I 20, “ICT is a driving force behind changes inindssey” What does ICT mean inthis statement? (A) "Internet Computer Transaction (B) Internet Communication ‘Transaction (© information and Computer ‘Technology (D)) Information and Communications Technologies 21. In which year was the World Trade Organization formed? w © © @ 79s ass 1945, 1995, ODU11010/CAPE 2015, 2s. 25, Which of the following gives the CORRECT order of progression to Caribbean integration? “ @ © oy Federation + CARIFTA = ‘CARICOM, CARIFTA + CARICOM — Federtion Federation + CARICOM — CARIFTA CARICOM — CARIFTA Federation “The Organization of Eastern Caribbean si 2 {OECS) 1s a recognized sub- regional grouping within CARICOM. ‘The members of the OECS share more achievements among themselves than with their CARICOM panes. “Which ofthe followings NOT common achievement of the OECS? w @ © o Curency High Court Government Central Bank \Whichofthe following Caribbean counties won its fst Olympic medal at the 2012 Sommer Olympics games ia London? «w ® © © Cuba Grenade SUKitis and Nevis ‘Trinidad and Tobago Sport contibuteto Caribbean scteties by 1 a, ut w @ © ©) generating income promoting Kealthy iestyles frelping to develop Caribbean idemity and I only Vand IH only Wand il only 1,Mand i GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 23. ‘Atypothesis may be described asa (A) question be answered (B) summary ofthe esearch (©) prodition of an outcome (©) Timitation ofthe research 34. The process of idemifying a problem to Snvestigae involves (A) Interpreting data 4B) conducting archival research (©) making inferences from statistic! ta (D),) raformulating a topic to make it researchable 35, A research method that presents findings ting mumerie daa and applies deductive logis in its explanations is consistent with (A) siontiic research (B) systematic enquiry (©) qualitative research {D) > guanttative research 36. Teenagers who bleach thir skin have low selbesteem. ‘This statement is an example of (A) > hypothesis (B) research question (©) dependent variable (©) problem statement 37, Whichofthefllowingeriteria sre used for evaluating information from websites? 1. Length H.—Content UL Currency tac ot and 1 only AG) Wand only ©) 1, Mand eaiTi010caPE 2015, 38, Areseatsher wants to conduct a survey ia ‘rural comminity on taitionsl dances that are no longer protised. Which ofthe folloing would be the BEST soures from ‘whieh to collet data (A) Iatornet (B) On historian (©) Meeting minutes (©) visting literature 39, Which ofthe following methods may be sed in 8 quantitative survey? (A) Discussion (B) Questionnaire (©) Callin programme (D) _Panicipant observation 40, Ms Josep was conducting study on the Chevsotristcs of all “barrel children” in the tied form, She included all hid form ‘stodensratherdhanchoosingasample. This isan attempt to gather information on 9 A Remo, (B) > target population (©) participant sample (D) representative simple 44, ‘The Sindings for an investigation whic ses foous group discussions are BEST presented 35 “a ex B) tbs (©) barchars {D) lise graphs GOON TOTHE NEXT PA KemsZreferstothefollowinginformstion, 44. Mr White conducted an interview with a {group of persons infected with HIV/AIDS, Problem statement: How haveremitances Which principio of research would NOT contributed to the development of influence presentation ofthe dats? Country ¥7 — (A) ) Respect for privacy Ress and Conclusions: Citizens fromthe (5) Imerviewees' consent rural areas of County ¥ were interviewed. (©) Integrity ofthe research “They tatedihatremitanceshavecontrbuted (@) Reliability of iesuament posively othe developmentofthe country. 42, Which of the following should have been 45. Theactofplagitism isunethicalinrescareh Included in the conclusion ofthe esearch? becouse (A) Sources 1, itis criminal act (B) Limitations IE, the findings willbe held as invalid (©) ~ Hypothesis IL. thefindings sill boheld as reiable (D) Appendices (A) Lonty (B)> Tandt only 43. Which ofthe following is NOT essential (©) Tand only ‘when referencing research work? ©) Ilene (A) Instext otaian (8) Quotation marks C(O) Paragraphs in text (D)” Footnotes and endnotes END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 21 1010/cAPE 2015

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