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Marlea Pavlick

27 January 2017
A.) Theme


B.) Scriptural Passage

Psalm 118:6

"The lord is with me; I am not afraid/ What can mortals do against me?"

New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)

C.) Reflection

Reading this passage over and over again, a word that sticks out to me is "afraid." In my

opinion, this passage is about finding strength in someone else. We often find society telling us

to find strength and to only trust in ourselves. However, this passage contradicts this and tells us

to find strength and trust in God. This can be scary if all one has known is loving and trusting in

only themselves. One of the hardest parts of faith is being able to metaphorically pull away from

our own understanding and trust fall into what we know as God. I always remember this passage

when everything just seems so out of reach. When life gets chaotic and feels like all of Earth is

against me, I remember that God is with me and no matter what happens on Earth, he will always

be with me. God is someone you cant be afraid around.

D.) Prayer

Our most holy Lord,

Thank you for giving us the time and love that we do not deserve

Thank you for our life and chance to go to heaven

I ask for your help today in giving us strength

And the strength to give it up to you

When life feels out of reach

Or when all is against me, I know that you are not

Thank you for always being with me

Through times of happiness or hard times,

You are everything.


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