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Name: ..


1 Circle the correct answers.

1 2

jump / hit drive / run

3 4

swim / bounce dance / throw

5 6

catch / kick carry / drive

7 8

win / lose throw / bounce

BUILD UP 1 Photocopiable B Burlington Books 1



2 Write sentences about the activities you can and cant do. Use the chart below.

dance threekilometres.
drive abike.
I can
run basketball.
ride acar.
play well.

1. ........................................................................................
2. ........................................................................................
3. ........................................................................................
4. ........................................................................................
5. ........................................................................................

3 Complete the sentences with can, cant, must or mustnt.

1. Children go to school.
2. Babies read books.
3. We be late for school.
4. A tiger run fast.
5. you play tennis?
6. You say bad things about your brother.

4 Complete the sentences with the adverb form of the adjectives below.

happy quick good hard bad angry

1. Jack and Lenny always win the tennis competitions. They play .
2. My mother is speaking to our dog because he is sitting on her new sofa.
3. The girls are working in their English lesson.
4. Tess plays basketball . She never catches the ball.
5. Please put the dishes on the table . Were hungry and we want to eat now.
6. Alex loves maths. He does his maths homework .

BUILD UP 1 Photocopiable B Burlington Books 2

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