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1. We enter the website https://www.educaplay.


2. We have to register on the page, the option is at the top

3. Enter the requested data and accept the conditions

4. The system will send a confirmation message to our email

5. Confirming to electronic address from our mail, we create

our account in educaplay

6. In our account we must create an activity, the option is at

the top.
7. Choose the activity that we need, in my case I chose the
test option, in the more options we have to put a title and a
description of the activity, besides specifying the field of study.

8. Click on next, educaplay offers us a video of how to create

the Test activity.

9. In configurations there are options that can be modified with

Premium account, in our case we do not modify it.
10. In the option of general data we can establish the number
of questions (8 questions), random form, and the percentage
of approval (65%).

11. In the option of questions we enter each one of the

questions, in addition it gives us the option to enter videos of
YouTube, images (jpg), and feedback.

Examples some questions

Question 1
Question 2

Question 3

12. After the questions on the right side, we can see an

indicator to see if we meet the publication requirements.
13. Once the requirements are met, we look for the option to
publish, where a link is generated with our work

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