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Literary Analysis Commentary

1 Topic Selection: Focuses on a specific character in Still Water Saints.

2 Title: The title should be both creative and informative.
3 Thesis: Makes a clear argument about the admirable, saintlike qualities of the character. Essay
includes a counterargument/opposing viewpoint about a character
4 Development/Support: Ideas are fully developed. Author carefully analyzes the novels
literary devices (conflicts, symbols, imagery, tone, dialogue, etc.) to support his/her argument
about a character.
5 Essay quotes or paraphrases at least three critical/scholarly sources. Essay must quote from
Still Water Saints and make quote sandwiches.
6 Organization: The ideas appear in a logical order. The paper uses transitions to move from
one idea to the next. Each body paragraph should discuss a different point.
7 Spelling/Grammar/Mechanics: The paper is virtually free of spelling, grammar, or mechanical
8 MLA Citation: The paper uses MLA style citation for quotes, paraphrases, summaries, and a
Works Cited page.
9 MLA Formatting: The paper uses MLA formatting (12-point, Times New Roman, etc.).
10 Page Length: The paper is 1125 words (less than 1125 will result in a non-passing grade).
Comments: Elizabeth, you have some strong points here. Your thesis is good, but it could be
worded more concisely. You need to work on the organization of your body paragraphs. Right
now you are repeating certain ideas in multiple paragraphs. For example, you discuss her
personal issues, such as the fact that her husband was sterile, in two paragraphs. You also do not
stick to the main ideas set forth in the topic sentences. Your paragraphs need to be developed
more using evidence from the novel and from three articles which discuss the real-world context
for Rosas issue. You are missing a works cited page. Be sure to edit carefully; watch out for
fragment sentences.

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