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Incriminated - Weekly Reflection (WR) - This week was on juvenile justice and I had no idea

how messed up the system was and how it incriminated people unfairly.

2. Brevities- (WR) -I hope the discussion is long and lengthy not just a couple of brevities.

3. Penchant -(WR)- I have a penchant for the topic.

4. Glib- (WR) I want my writing to be gilb and flow well.

5. Stigmas -(WR) -I am glad it is erasing stigmas.

6. Erudite (WR)- The erudite techniques I now know will help me not extemporize.

7. Extemporize- (WR) The erudite techniques I now know will help me not extemporize.

8. Ameliorate -(WR) Learning logs weren't bad, Ive learned to ameliorate them.

9. Censure (WR)- I dont want to blame my censure because it only takes time away after


10. Quandary- (WR) I honestly dont see what i'm learning sometimes but Im sure its there. I

am in a state of quandary.

11. Dearth -(WR)- I have a dearth of motivation.

12. Fervent- (WR)- I am very fervent about this topic.

13. Rescinded - (WR)- Some actions we do can be rescinded.

14. Quiescent - (WR) - I dont want to be quiescent about my actions.

15. Protract- (WR) I want to hold peoples attention and not protract my argument or be


16. Ostentatious - (WR) - I want to hold peoples attention and not protract my argument or be


17. Cavil - (WR) - I dont want my argument to cavil or have a foible.

18. Foible- (WR)- I dont want my argument to cavil or have a foible.

19. Circumspect - (WR) -Actually, I want to make the people who refuse to listen aware as well,

so they will become circumspect with their actions.

20. Defray - (WR) I am glad I dont have to defray for a book.

21. Proletariat - (WR) -The proletariat live in the proles, and i think that is a good use of wording.

22. Laconic - (WR) -To be laconic, it is wild.

23. Austere - (WR)- I find it weird that some people discuss so austere.

24. Discernable - (WR)- I am really moved by the themes this book has too, I am glad they are


25. Assimilate (WR) All this work is a lot to assimilate.

26. Solicitous (WR) I am feeling solicitous that I wont finish it on time, but I will still try my


27. Expunge- (WR) I just need to expunge my distractions, and circumscribe my free time.

28. Circumscribe - (WR) I just need to expunge my distractions, and circumscribe my free time.

29. Categorical (WR) The book has stayed interesting and had a categorical sadness to it.

30. Ingratiating - (WR)- People were trying to be ingratiating.

31. Adroit- (WR) There is just so many crazy and adroit ideas about society and government

and Its scary because it almost sounds like it could happen.

32. Mercenaries (WR) -The people are not mercenaries because there is no money.

33. Inscrutable (WR) Without the questions to help me follow along I think the book would be

inscrutable and hard to follow.

34. Vendetta- (WR) It's almost like we read the whole book for nothing, and now I have a

vendetta with it.

35. Lucid- (WR)- The themes and ideas were lucid and salient, I could construe them well.

36. Salient- (WR) The themes and ideas were lucid and salient, I could construe them well.

37. Construe- (WR) The themes and ideas were lucid and salient, I could construe them well.

38. Allude- (WR) I have been able to allude certain themes from the book to real life


39. Platitudes (WR) Sometimes I feel as if people just make platitudes to sound smart.
40. Clairvoyant (WR) I did not like having three circles because I zoned out and did not stay

clairvoyant in the last third one.

41. Fastidious- (WR) I am starting to feel school ending because of the final projects and papers

and it is making me happy but also stressed and fastidious.

42. Terse (WR) I find I am terse and taciturn when stressed.

43. Taciturn (WR) I find I am terse and taciturn when stressed.

44. Narcissism (WR) I need to have some narcissism so that I dont feel like a failure.

45. Cataclysm -(WR) So I felt a little stressed this week and it was close to be a cataclysm.

46. Indigent - (WR) -Also the portfolio at the end is stressing me out, and I feel Indigent and


47. Perquisite (WR) The bully project is not that hard as I predicted and that makes it a


48. Heterogenous (WR) Everyone has a heterogenous pittance.

49. Pittance (WR) Everyone has a heterogenous pittance.

50. Boon -(WR) The people in my group have been a boon because they are doing their part.

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