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Introduction to Professional Practice Learning Contract

Student name: Alex (Ally) Arnold

Mentor: Gillian Walsh

Project 1 -- Group project (BUSKERFEST)

Explanation of project
Buskerfest was a busking event with a total of 12 artists, from LIPA, performing in
the LIPA Gardens and main Student Entrance. The event was hosted on Thursday,
27 May (opening night of Made In Dagenham) in hope of fundraising money for
the production. There were three stages, 1 artist per stage on at a time. We sold
sweets and had mimes acting around as street artists encouraging people to

It was a long and hard process in organising this event, and there was a lot of
thought and detail put into the scheduling and making this event possible. I was in
charge of Administration of the event, but ended up taken on various other roles
throughout the process.

Estimated hours: 32 hours

Agreed by mentor: date:

Project 2: Spring Awakening

Explanation of project

In hope of learning more about putting on a production and front of house

management, I joined the second year project Spring Awakening as an assistant
producer. Throughout this journey, I did a load of fundraisers, marketing and as
Front of House Manager got a tonne of experience. Grateful to have been a part of

Estimated hours: 82.5 hours

Agreed by mentor: date:

Project 3: Made In Dagenham
Explanation of project

As an assistant producer for this production, with a focus on fundraising, I got a lot
more out of it than I thought I would. It was an excellent chance to broaden my
skills in marketing, networking, fundraising and working with talented people to
solve various problems when necessary.

Estimated hours: 73 hours

Agreed by mentor: date:

Project: Blissful Creations

Explanation of project
In the fall, Paige and I started up a small charitable company and organised a
Holiday Gift box for the White Chapel Centre in Liverpool. This was successful as
we took a wide range of items to the homeless shelter in the end of December, right
before we went away for the holidays.

Estimated hours: 11 hours

Agreed by mentor: date:

Project: Rebel, Rebel.

Explanation of project
In attempt to learn more about the music industry and working the door for
events, I joined onto the Rebel Rebel team and helped out with two of their very
successful events. I came to the event space to help set up, worked the door (taking
money and counting up afterwards), and ensured all was cleaned up properly at
the end of the night.
Estimated hours: 10 hours

Agreed by mentor: date:

Project: 2ube Xtra

Explanation of project
To learn more about the festival industry, I got involved with LIPAs very own 2ube
Xtra Festival working box office, cloakroom and artist accreditation + liaison.

Estimated hours: 15.2 hours

Agreed by mentor: date:

Project: Immaculate Spinal Theatre Productions

Explanation of project
Starting up my own production company with a first year actor Immaculate is
the first show we are putting on in early fall 2017. After starting up the company,
we have a full crew/cast on board and this has been quite the official process with
meetings, rehearsals and preparation to go away for the summer in confidence.

Estimated hours: 40.2 hours

Agreed by mentor: date:

Project: Acoustic Live LIPA Spain Tours

Explanation of project
After the success of our first event, Paige Bithell and I started up our own events
company and decided to host a second event at Frederiks Bar as a fundraiser for
LIPA Spain Tours. This included recruiting artists, booking the venue, finance,
booking equipment, liaising with sound technicians and updating social
medias/marketing the event.
Estimated hours: 16 hours

Agreed by mentor: date:

Project: Sound City Artist Liaison Volunteer

Explanation of project
Interested in learning more about the festival industry I decided to hop on board as
a volunteer for sound city. I was placed in a role as Artist Liaison for the main
Atlantic Stage at the festival and learnt a lot about working with artists, setting up
dressing rooms and being a runner for a line manager at the event. It is very hectic,
yet a very fun experience to be a part of.
Estimated hours: 23.5 hours

Agreed by mentor: date:

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