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Assalamualaikum wr.


The honourable the English tacher maam Noviyanti S.pd and my

beloved friends.

Lets say thanks to allah we cant attend this moment without his this change,l would like to tell you my speech that has
the theme parenting.

As a student,we always she how the moral of the youth is

become diminished.and without diminish my respect to all the
parent who give all their effort to raise their children but the fact
is this morale decrease problem were start from home.

The parent have no time anymore to introduced their children

about wisdom,faith,religion,etc.they busy with their job until
forget the fact but the first lesson should be coming from,what we as student hope now from the parent role for
us? And for the last we also hoping to find our parent will give
their time to guide our growth until we are mature.

Well, l guess thats all l can tell and l will end my speech today

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

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