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Name: ..

Date: //

Class : Number: .. Evaluation: .

Food and drinks

1. Match the pictures with the words in box and then classify the words:

Fruit Vegetables Drink Other

Water coffee cerels cheese
Cheese banana beans onions bread
milk cola carrots oil rice
lettuce pear oranges sugar


Countable Uncountable
A lot of many a / some A lot of --- some
A lot of many a / any A lot of much any
Interrogative A lot of many a / any A lot of much any
2. Look at the picture again and write sentences with a (n), some or any:

Example: There are some oranges.

1. oranges
2. tea
3. coffee
4. bread
5. beans
6. fish
7. bananas
8. carrots

3. Make the nouns in column B countable by using the words in column A.


A bottle of Bread
A cup of Rice
A packet of Wine
A loaf of Cheese
A carton of Coffee
A piece of Milk

4. Copy and complete the sentences with much or many :

Example: There isnt much coffee in the cup.

1. There isnt ________ coffee in the cup.

2. They havent got money.
3. There are ______ oranges in the Algarve.
4. Have you got ____ friends? Not ________.
5. We didnt buy ______vegetables yesterday.
6. We havent got ______ in the fridge.

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