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Ian Joslin

ERWC p 4

Ms. Frederick


Full semester Reflection

I performed better this semester than last semester. My writing was stronger because of

all the literary devices we learned. For Example, I felt that using Ethos, Pathos, and Logos,

throughout my writing made my arguments more effective. Last semester I did not quite

understand how to use those tools. I learned how to take my time and organize this semester

also. Outlining my essays and writings, then revising them multiple times, would sometimes end

up with me turning in work late. Id rather have a concert essay that was turned in a day late,

than a mediocre one turned in on time. That sounds crazy, I know, but Im a perfectionist.

I have dyslexia, so reading has never been my strong suit, but Ive read more this

semester than any other in my high school years. I have read many books that I would have

never thought Id get credit for reading. I am glad the reading logs were set up the way they

were, because that allowed me to really enjoy reading.

Ive never really annotated works until this year, but I feel like I can annotate anything

now. I got really good at it and will continue to annotate works to understand them more. Ive

learned a lot of skills this year, so much that my head hurts. I really enjoyed all the debates we

had. I felt that the socratic seminars prepared me for future debates. The phrases that we were

taught to say during debating has helped me cool arguments in my everyday life. The topics this

class provided were out of this world. Never would I thought that we would discuss topics like

the Juvenile justice system, or Gender roles and culture, or the dangers of a dystopian society.

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