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Helen Munoz

ERWC 12 P.4

Ms. Frederick

31 May 2017

Full Semester Reflection on Learning

I think that I learned a lot more this semester. I felt that I participated more this semester

in class discussions and on socratic seminars. I was afraid of maybe not saying the correct thing

or answer but I learned to get over that and try again. I learned to include textual evidence

properly in my arguments but trying to cite it into arguments or essays is still something that I

struggle with as well as tending to paraphrase what I have written about instead of something

different. The writing samples I thought helped me a lot because I learned how to write in

different styles. In the actual discussions in class or in groups I would always be congenial

because I wouldnt want to argue for anything. But I ended up getting comfortable enough to be

able to talk and discuss freely.

Objective writing was something that I dont think Ive ever written in but after doing the

objective summary and others it seemed kind of fun and easier to not have everything be based

on arbitrary opinions . It just made my writing seem more resolute and better than before.

Something else that I realized and never really thought about in working on my final project is

how much bullying or specifically cyberbullying is still a big problem. From a survey that my

group made we found out that majority of people see someone being bullied and some

experience it. Verbal or mental abuse is a bigger issue than physical abuse at our school.

Based on everything that I have learned this semester I hope to use it in the future.

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