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Michelle Chan, Foster Business Library How has the UW Libraries helped you in your academic work? want to start off by thanking the UW Library system for a mildly amusing party trick. It ‘g0e8 like this: when I find out a friend or new acquaintance is majoring in Business, I then ask them what classes they are taking. No, I’m not interested in comparing notes or professors — I’m actually a public health major. I really ask people what business classes they are in so that I can spout off which textbooks those classes have on course reserve at Foster Business Library, where Thave worked since February 2014. Marketing 301° Principles of Marketing by Kotler and Armstrong, of course, ot perhaps you were also interested in Fundamentals of Corporate Finance for Finance 350? I suspect this little party trick of mine is more alienating than amusing, but I figure it at least keeps me sharp for work. Beyond the memorization of business book covers I have come to know and love, being a part of the Foster library crew and, more broadly, the UW library system — has given me a special appreciation for the depth and variety of knowledge that our libraries contain. The library has been the most indispensable resource to my academic career at UW, and not just because Odegaard’s the only quiet place that’s open late. The libraries have taught me how to research scholarly articles with the help of our many knowledgeable reference librarians, search catalogs for any new bestsellers I want to read, and save hundreds of dollars on textbooks through books ‘on reserve or older editions hiding in the book stacks. More broadly, the libraries have also served as a reminder of the many cross-subject topics I can leam about, which in some small part spurred my decision to apply to both the interdisciplinary Honors program and my Public Health ‘major, two other great decisions T have made at UW. I find that working through patrons’ questions and problems always teaches me about new library or university resources, which I can in tum pass on to other patrons and my fiends. thas been just about two years since I walked into Foster to interview for the position of Student Technician, In that time, much has changed; I decided on a major, made many new friends, moved into my first apartment, and have cooked a few successful meals. However, my ‘time at Foster has been a constant which I am grateful for, though I admit I still don’t know much about the principles of marketing or fundamentals of corporate finance. As I continue my college career which will bring new uncertainties, I can at least point to a haven of knowledge where I can get a good start on finding the answer: the UW libraries, Thank you. Word Count: 458

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