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Hernandez Karla

Professor Batty

24 May 2017

Literary Analysis Reflection

I was not happy with my overall grade of my essay because I procrastinated on creating it

and was shown throughout my essay. Even though I was not happy with my grade, I was happy

with my thesis sentences and my argumentative points I was trying to argue. As I was revising

my essay I noticed that I had most of the information required but did not structure the essay

properly. One example would be not having a counterargument in my thesis. I introduced the

counterargument in the introduction but did not include it in the thesis statement causing

confusion to the reader. Another structure error was not formating the quote sandwiches

correctly, originally in my second paragraph I started it off with a quote and later noticed it was a

huge mistake. Besides not including a topic sentence I didnt introduce any information about

what the quote was about and didn't give enough reasoning on why the quote was significant.

Because I did not revise my essay there was a lot of grammatical errors which really affected

my essay; one huge grammatical error was misspelling the authors last name. I didn't not keep

my essay in present tense ruining the flow of my essay. One mistake I constantly made was

putting you instead of the reader and felt that was a mistake that affected my essay drastically..

Overall if I had more time to look over my essay and fix all the little mistakes I made I feel that I

would of been more satisfied with my grade.

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