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AP Psychology: Unit 3 Study Guide Ms.

Developmental Psychology Ch. 12

Directions: As you read and take notes, be sure that you cover all of the following information. If it is not in your
text, be sure to ask in class.

People to Know
Jean Piaget Mary Ainsworth Diana Baumrind
Lev Vygotsky Sigmund Freud Lawrence Kohlberg
Harry Harlow Erik Erikson

Terms to Know
Developmental psychologist Accommodation
Cross sectional research Object permanence
Longitudinal research Egocentric
Teratogens Concepts of conservation
Schemata/schema Metacognition

Key Concept: Please note: for the different theories: you need to know the name of the psychologist, the
appropriate terms and stages involved.

Prenatal Development and the Newborn

Stages of prenatal development
Prenatal risks
Newborn reflexes
Physical development (motor and brain development)
Piagets Theory of Cognitive Development
Current views on Piagets theory
Alternatives to Piaget: Information-Processing Approach
Impact of culture on cognitive development
Reasons for variations in cognitive development

Infancy and Childhood

Types of temperament, impacts of each
Attachment: Harlows research, types of attachment
Parenting styles
Ericksons Psychosocial Development Theory
Social skills
Gender roles: how they are developed and the impact

Physical changes
Development of identity, identity crisis
Reasoning power (Piaget)
Moral reasoning (Kohlberg)

Stages of adulthood
Physical changes over adulthood
Cognitive changes over adulthood
Social changes over adulthood
Issues related to death and dying

Nature vs. Nurture

Debates over nature vs. nurture throughout the unit

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