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Name : Dikri Nur Ahkam

Class : JTD 3-D

Why did I choose of jtd? At first I wanted to lecture majors in accordance with of me
on the Multimedia, and after I ask some question to my brothers are already been college all
suggested me to enter at the POLINEMA, after I accept advice from relatives my brother, I
immediately look to see what is in Polinema. After i browsing via google i found the name of
digital telecommunication network, somehow I saw the name of JTD so interesting and so
dealing with of I took in smk first, and without thinking long I directly select the majors.
After through a long process registration until entrance examination, I eventually in digital
telecommunication network on reality him in contrast to of i took in smk before, But i is very
grateful can fall into the majors this is because many people want to just made it but could
not . My advantage is I can enter JTD more add my insights about the world
of telecommunications and adds a lot of friends from other cities are of course open to my
knowledge about the culture in the various regions that have different habits, and
disadvantage is his lack of knowledge before entering to this Department so that makes
me the difficulty in receiving lessons at the beginning of the lecture, but after
receiving lessons for almost 3 years I've been more about how the telecommunications
works and telecommunications it that makes I would like to continue to learn about the world
of telecommunications.

Hope a graduate of jtd ? I hope the which is I can work in company that deals with of
I took is in telecommunications , that the science which I can for them to be useful for my
work , because many stories of senior the jtd who already been passed since many once jtd
graduates who works in telecommunications it was very far from telecommunications , and I
began to accept if I worked not fit on of I take this, the most important work it is good to my
future and hope after a graduate of the friends jtd 2014 can all the good work , working in
accordance with what they want. Because many from friends jtd who want to work in
telecommunications but want to be enterpreneur, and can be mutually helping fellow if
anyone is yet to get a job so that graduates can JTD 100% work well. So I hope a graduate of
jtd may can all goes well. Amin ....

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