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We control our mind, our mind-set controls us. Mind-set is spiritual stronghold that
influences our behavior. Mind-set is build with facts, feelings and experiences in
our life. We must challenge it with the truth of GOD's word to live life for God.

Faith does not come when we ignore the facts faith comes when we do not ignore the
Our feelings are real but not the Truth
Four things about the Truth
1. It is inconsistent with our feelings and our facts (What we feel and see)
2. Truth is the door of the Holy Spirit by which He responds to a situation, he can
only work through the Truth and not feelings
3. The Truth set us free
4. Where there is Truth they will always be Faith (The Truth us what God says not
what you see or feel)

Jesus cast out 6000 demons in one second but the strongholds of Pharisees could not
be broken in 3 and half years!
400 years of Egyptian bondage was physically broken in one Night, but even 40years
could not break a slavery mindset and the children of Israel died in the wilderness with
it!(They lived by what they saw and by what they felt)

Purpose Priority Process

What is Your Purpose?
This Defines Your Priorities
This Determines Your Activities
I am SPECIFIC creation of God
Carefully and Skillfully created
Psalms 139:13-17
Before your were born I KNEW YOU, Before your were FORMED, I ordained you AS a
Prophet to the Nations.
We begin as a THOUGHT in Gods Mind!
Intended Purpose (Original)
Invented Purpose (Innovated version)
Inverted Purpose (Abuse)
Isaaiah 45:9
Woe is he who strives with his maker..(impersonation, imitation, copyright is hard
God has equipped (wired) us for His Purpose
When purpose is discovered , priorities must be determined.

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