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The Essentiality of ASB

Everyone knows the importance of Associated Student Body,

otherwise known as ASB. Without ASB, Cerritos High School could not
function properly. ASB is something that is so important in this modern
day society, where the school system has successfully created a system
that is based on excluding individuals from large projects. The
discrimination is something that can be tasted, seeing how the people
who are voted in elections from the student body are given the gift of
excitement and accomplishment, as they have achieved a large goal from
their high school career, just to be kicked out of power before being able
to make changes simply for some minor mistakes that they made years
ago. This is just one of the reasons why ASB is such a fair and equal
system, as they are extremely logical and understand that people should
never make mistakes, and never give students the opportunities to learn
from those mistakes, as mistakes are just the absolute end of the world.
These students are always held accountable, even if these minor
mistakes are made from freshmen year.

This concept doesnt always apply though, considering that if a

student is favored, these mistakes are ignored with special exceptions.
This is important, seeing as favoritism is essential in a school, and in life
as a whole. ASB provides life skills that all students should develop, one
of these being labor work assigned by the teachers who run this extra
circular program. Listening without thinking is crucial to the
development of our student body as well, and learning to take orders
from your superior is essential to do well in life.
Another thing that ASB contributes to is that it helps shape the
ASB students into individuals who have high self esteem, proving
themselves better than other individuals. This is essential in letting other
people know how they are not as successful as others, which is an
extremely healthy mentality to enter adult life with. Seeing how ASB is
a private group of people, and how they plan events for the student body
by keeping secrets from the entire student body in order to plan these
events, ASB members are presented with the essential life skills such as
secrecy and delusion. With the exposure of these events, seeing how it
can kill the excitement, the expulsion of other students in this committee
is essential in showing how serious ASB is and how ASB should be a
secret committee now matter what, as they cannot stress the importance
of artifice enough.

Because of these arguments and many more, it is safe to say that

ASB is one of the most important factors of Cerritos High school, as the
school would never be able to function without it. Teaching students
about superiority and blindly thinking, and that mistakes are
unacceptable, I believe that ASB should continue exactly the way it is,
and that it is completely flawless.
- Sarah Lee
ASB Critic, Cerritos High School

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