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1) Current Event (national, world news)

Tensions are high with North Korea

2) 1 top song/Your favorite song

HUMBLE by Kendrick Lamar

3) Quick description of who you are at this time

I like to play the guitar, video games, go to the beach, and hang out
with friends

4) Favorite TV Show/Movie/Video Game

The Last Man on Earth/Hacksaw Ridge/FIFA 17

5) Celebrity Crush
Jennifer Lawrence

6) Best friend right now/# of


7) *social media friends (*insert appropriate # of social media friends)


8) Favorite Restaurant
Donovans Steakhouse

9) Favorite memory this year - Something that you stressed out about
that you look back on now with humor/ regret
Getting into petty arguments with my peers

10) How you spend your weekends

Hanging out with friends and playing video games

11) One thing youll miss from San Diego

The ability to go to the beach whenever I want

12) One thing you look forward to in a new city

New friends and experiences

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