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Poetic Forms Template.

You should approach this assignment from the perspective that you are teaching someone how to write the
type of poem that you have selected. That means, defining and providing the characteristics of the type of
poetry that you have selected as well as an approach to composing.

TYPE: ___________________HAIKU_______________________

Definition and How toExplanation for this type of poem:

A traditional Japanese haiku is a three-line poem with seventeen syllables, written in a 5/7/5 syllable
count. Usually focusing on images from nature, haiku emphasizes simplicity, intensity, and directness
of expression.

Example of Chosen Poem Form: My Original Piece:

Anselm Hollo, 1934 - 2013

follow that airplane

of course Im high this is
an emergency

giant Scots terrier

I thought I saw was known as
Taxicab Mountain

Explanation of How Form Affects Theme

The form of a haiku is closed, as the poem closely
follows the syllable rules of a haiku. This very
restricted form makes the theme very easy to determine,
as the structure forces the writer to be literal in the way
he describes a scene. There is no room for the writer to
express his feelings or include any underlying messages.
This structure does give the reader a very clear image
about what inspired the author to write about the scene.

With the generous permission of Lou Paonessa and the Toronto Catholic District School Board.

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