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Open when

1. You first receive these letters.
2. Youre missing me a little.
3. Youre missing me a lot.
4. You need someone to talk to and Im not picking up.
5. We havent talked in a while.
6. You feel lonely.
7. You're feeling sad.
8. You feel like crying.
9. You are crying.
10. You're stressed out.
11. Youve had a bad day.
12. You need a hug.
13. You need some love.
14. You need to know how much I love you.
15. You need to know someone cares.
16. You need motivation.
17. You need a pick me up.
18. Youre doubting yourself.
19. You feel out of place.
20. You feel like giving up.
21. It all feels like too much.
22. You need reassurance.
23. You are feeling insecure.
24. You can't sleep.
25. The distance is too much.
26. You feel like we need to break up.
27. You want to give up on us.
28. Youre not so sure about us.
29. Youre worried about future.
30. You feel like youre overthinking.
31. You feel like I dont trust you.
32. You want to know more about me.
33. We are fighting.
34. I am making things worse.
35. I do something stupid.
36. We fight and its your fault
37. We fight and its my fault
38. I'm being moody, annoying, stubborn, or all of the
39. Youre mad at me.
40. Youre feeling sick.
41. You're feeling hopeful about the future.
42. Were finally married.
43. We have our first child.
44. You want to buy me a gift but don't know what to get.
45. You want me to buy you a gift.
46. Youre angry at the world.
47. You need a push.
48. Youre disappointed in yourself.
49. Youre just a little grumpy.
50. Its that time of the month.
51. You dont feel confident.
52. Youre feeling embarrassed.
53. Youre nervous.
54. get a bad grade on something important.
55. It is the day before you get to see me again!
56. You're on the plane going home.
57. You're thinking of popping the question.
58. We move into our first house together.
59. You want to listen to songs that remind me of you.
60. You cant sleep.
61. Youre tired but have to stay up.
62. Youre thinking about the future.
63. You dont want to study.
64. You get a bad grade.
65. You get a good grade.
66. Its your special day!
67. You have a big interview.
68. Its your first finals week!
69. Its your last finals week!
70. When I graduate.
71. When you graduate.
72. Youre done with your first day.
73. Open in case of Zombie Apocalypse.
74. Youre feeling naughty.
75. Its sunny out
76. Youre feeling cold
77. Youre missing your family
78. You miss the kids
79. You are worried about me
80. You are stressed
81. Youre bored
82. Youre feeling silly
83. You need a laugh
84. You need a little fun
85. You need a walk down memory lane
86. Youre feeling nerdy
87. Youre coming home
88. Its summer break!
89. Youre tired but have to stay up
90. You feel like a hero
91. You feel like a million bucks.
92. You dont think youre beautiful
93. You dont feel appreciated
94. You feel worthless
95. You need to rant
96. Youre contemplating hurting yourself
97. You feel like youve failed
98. Youre having a good day
99. You are happy
100. Youre confused
101. You need courage

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