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Why is education worth it? Famous proverb said give a man a fish you feed him for a

day teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Education is a way to learn and you

learn interpersonal skills in college. College is extremely important for a good education, job,

healthy lifestyle and better wedges.

Some people may argue that college is not worth it because from the debt you get from

college. They think the loans are too high and delay grads from saving for retirement, and buying

a house. It is true college students are left with a lot of debts but you get a good job there for

education is worth that debt.

College grads are more likely to be more healthy than noun grads. Statistics show that 70

percent of college grads had access to employer-provided health insurance. In fact, people that

have college degrees were linked to lower blood pressure in 30-year peer-review study and lower

levels of cortisol by carnegie mellon psychology department study. As a result college helps with

your health.

More jobs are requiring college degrees.for example my dad works in the faribault prison

where he teaches college source math for that job he went to college for six years and got his

masters degree. Also, my mom which is a nurse went to college for four years got her bachelor's

degree. Thirty-four percent of american jobs are requiring high school diplomas. Without this

specialized training people would be without jobs.

While some people think education is not worth the debt from college loans, they are

many benefits of going to college you could get a good job, and live a healthy lifestyle and have

better wedges. For these reasons college is the best way for education,

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