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Ryan Fitzpatrick

1a. The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and
murder of six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its collaborators.

1b. The driving ideology behind the Holocaust was that people of the Jewish religion
were at the center of all the Germans problems.

1c. The Final Solution was the Germans plan to eliminate as many Jews as possible.

1d. The Holocaust ended officially in 1945 due to the gradual liberation of Nazi
concentration camps over time.

2. I chose to read about persons with disabilities. The"euthanasia" program targeted, for
systematic killing, mentally and physically disabled patients living in institutional settings
in Germany and German-annexed territories. The Germans took what would of been a
long, slow, and painful death and shortened that by killing all mentally, and physically ill

3. Andrew Glass was a Polish immigrant fleeing warsaw to a better life in the United
States. He and his family took a ship from Poland to San Francisco right before the
attacks on Pearl Harbor. He was 7 years old at the time his family decided to flee the
country. They dodged virtually every single obstacle that opposed them as the bolted
toward the US for a new life.

4. I think the purpose of learning about the Holocaust is to inform today's era who never
experienced this tragic event about how the lives of millions of families changed forever.
We learn about it in our history classes because it is a crucial event in our modern
history. Without it our lives could be totally different.

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