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Name : Sela Rospianti

NPM : 165129149
Class : D-IV B12
Duty : English Public Speech


Assalamualaikum wr., wb.,

Good morning. On this occasion, Id like to say praise to the presence of Allah
Almighty who has given a favor in the form of health for us so that today we can
gathering here. At first, let me introduce my self. My name is Sela Rospianti. And
thank you for the opportunity given to me right now to deliver a short speech about
Health Life.
Health is divided into two things, physical health and spiritual health. Two type
of health must have balance. If one is damaged, then the person cannot be said to be
healthy as a whole.
Maintaining physical health can be done thourgh a variety of ways. You are
advised to exercise, you can running 30 minutes a day, eating nutrition food, and
taking enought rest.
To impove the quality of spiritual health, you are advised to maintain the
communication with other people and family continuously.
Health is the most importent part in life. I suggest you tp maintain the health as
good as possible beacuseprevention is better than medicating.
So that is the speech that I can give. I hope it would be useful to know. I
apologize for the mistakes. Thank you very much.
Waalaikumsalam wr., wb.,

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