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2000 S Street, NW Washington, DC

(p) 202.232.6749 (f) 202.232.6750

March 22, 2017

The Honorable Greg Walden The Honorable Frank Pallone

Chairperson Ranking Member
House Energy and Commerce House Energy and Commerce
Committee Committee
2185 Rayburn House Office Building, 237 Cannon House Office Building,
Washington, DC 20515 Washington, DC 20515

Re: Prescription Drug User Fee Act Reauthorization

Dear Chairperson Walden and Representative Pallone,

HealthHIV, as a leading national, HIV non-profit working to advance effective care and
treatment for people living with, or at risk for HIV, is concerned about the continued
vitality of the Food and Drug Administration. In response to growing concerns over the
amount of time it took for new medicines to reach patients, Congress passed the first
Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) in 1992. The HIV/AIDS Community was at the
forefront of the effort to enact PDUFA at that time and remains focused upon its
continuance. PDUFA must be reauthorized every five years and is up for reauthorization
in September 2017.

For the millions of Americans living with HIV/AIDS, the reauthorization of PDUFA will
continue the availability of new and innovative medicines. In addition, PDUFA could
literally mean the difference between life and death for millions of other patients with
debilitating and life-threatening diseases such as cancer.

With the help of PDUFA, the United States continues to be a global leader in the
discovery and delivery of innovative, safe, and effective medicines. We encourage
Congress to reauthorize PDUFA to continue to safeguard the American people and lead
the world in innovation. Please contact me if you would like additional information.


Brian Hujdich
Executive Director

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