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is very easy, not a secret & @ move, just done casually as the cards come together to be squared up and? replaced face down in the’Leader po- sition. At this Stage the order of the cards in the “> Leader packet is AC-AD-2H-AS +9 a from the top down. © nm . 17. The supposed vanish of the last Ace is again hand- led as explained in Step 12; however, this time the face down card in this last row is really the AH. Anyway you have threg rows of cards Fig. 8 and each has 3. cards face up and vue card Tace down which you have not shown as yet. Also you have not confused the effect Since only. the arrival of the Aces has been pointed up. 18. After handling of the third packet the Leader packet is picked up as you say, "And now over here we have one Ace, twa Aces, three Aces, four Aces." This patter line is delivered as you do the “Swindle Aces" moves from the "CARDICIAN"; however, a capsule des- cription will follow. First of all you do not call attention to the suits of the Aces but merely count them off as you apparently show four Aces, one at atime. After each Ace has been shown it is dealt to the table starting at your right, then continuing to the left to form a row of 4 cards. Three of these are directly below each packet with the AS off to the left. The mechanics of the "Swindle Aces" is to hold the packet face down in the left hand. Doing either a Buckle, Pulldown, or a Pushoff do a Triple Turnover to show a Red Ace. Turn it down, then deal top card face down to your right and below the row of Cards. Next card turned over is a single card, the AC, then turned face down and below the center row of cards. The remaining two Aces are split, taking top card be- tween the right thumb and fingers, while the left fingers and thumb turn its AS face up, then back face down to deal it off to the left The right hand now tips its card upward just enough to flash the face of the AD as another Red Ace, then it is dealt face down just below the Ist row of cards. 19. At this stage the existing situation is that you have a sup- posed row of Aces but really the AS-AD-AC-2H fium left tu right Now you continue by saying, "The Ace of Spades was the Leader Ace", as the left hand turns the AS face up back into its present position Continuing, you say, "And as I promised the Ace of Diamonds has changed places with the Two of Diamonds." Here the right hand has first turned aver the AD face up hack into its position helow the first row of cards. The left hand picks up the face down card, in the first row, by its left side. The right hand then takes this card by its lower right corner and moves the card upward so its upper left corner snaps past the ball of the left thumb, The right left to form a row of 4 cards, “Three of these are directly below each packet with the AS off to the left. The mechanics of the "Swindle Aces" is to hold the packet face down in the left hand Doing either a Buckle, Pulldown, or a Pushoff do a Triple Turnover to show a Red Ace. Turn it down. then deal ton card face down to

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