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Urban Encounters 1-20

1. You notice a Cerean noble and his entourage (8) are proceeding through town. The
noble is sitting on a disc-like hover craft and is gazing around the city as if looking for
something. As you gaze at the group one of the Cereans begins approaching you. He
stops in front of you and says Excuse me, but do you know where we can find the most
prominent hotel in this city? (Wait for response) I must admit, I am quite confused. Do
you think you could spare a bit of your time to show us the way? Im sure my master
would reward you for your service to us.

Hotel they want: Delora Aboleths Hotel, also known as: Krayt Dragons Cavern.

If party decides to help them:

As you begin leading the Cereans, you notice a cloaked figure that stands out in the
crowd and is following about 50 meters behind the nobles entourage
Cloaked Figure: Low-level assassin. Has frag grenade if party stops him from using it on
the Noble. (pg. 340)
As you continue to walk on, you notice the distance between the figure and the
entourage begins to grow smaller and smaller. The cloaked figure is now less than 20m
away from the rear of the entourage.
If party did not stop the assassins from closing to 10m:
The figure is now 10m away from the entourage and you hear a strange buzzing sound.
A large explosion goes off behind you. Make a strength check DC 10. Those who fail will
not be able to act for round one of the combat. Roll initiative.
The dust begins to clear revealing many of the Cereans dead and others knocked
unconscious. The cloaked man hastily walks in your direction and brandishes a blaster.
Roll Initiative.
After the battle:
Six of the Cereans have died, including the one who asked for your help. The two who
were closest to you are unconscious. The Cerean nobles disc-like hover craft has
plummeted into the sand and the noble is alive but seems to be in great pain.

The noble appears to be dying.

If the party cannot stabilize him in 10 rounds, he dies and so does there credit reward.

If the noble survives, Republic Peace officers come to the scene. They recognize him as
Senator Arnis de Celanon. They thank you for your help and rush him to a medical
facility. A few days later the party is summoned to meet with Arnis at a Republic medical
facility. He awards them 20,000 credits for saving his life.
Urban Encounters 1-20

I can never repay you enough for the kindness you have done me. Take these credits as a
notion of my gratitude.


2. You stumble upon a dead Twilek at the entrance to an alley. From your estimates, he
most likely died recently. Youre not sure, but it looks like he was killed by a lightsaber.

Level-2 Jedi Guardian (The Dark Side Sourcebook Pg. 136)

If tracked:
You follow the tracks through the alleyways. The trail eventually leads you into one of
the citys main roads. The trail ends at the entrance of a small cantina.

Dark Jedi sits in corner of cantina by himself. Can be turned to the light or killed. Killing
him will result in a Dark Side Point for any Force Sensitives who take part in his death or
encourage his actions. Can be persuaded by Force Sensitives to turn away from the dark

If see force check is used:

You can sense a faint trail of dark side energy leading you deeper into the alley. The trail
ends leads you out the other side of the alley and into a cantina. The trail leads to a
cloaked figure sitting alone in the corner of the cantina.


3. A near-Human street urchin calls you over to his sales cart. He checks the
surrounding area before he shows you what he claims to be his most prized
possession. He then presents to you an item that he claims to be a Jedi
Holocron. It could be all yours, for the right price.

A 5,000 credits. The Jedi Holocron will allow characters to prestige and multi-
class into Force based classes.

4. A duel erupts in the middle of a busy square between three Dark Jedi and a
Jedi that is familiar to those who learned under Luke. You recognize him as a
fellow jedi who trained under Luke and one of his star pupils, Kyle Keepsala.
He is well known for his immense skill with a double bladed lightsaber. As
their lightsaber battle ensues, many bystanders run in the opposite direction
while some stare in awe at the sight. Those who are force sensitive, sense
immense power emanating from one of the Dark Jedi.
Urban Encounters 1-20

Dark Jedi Guardians: Two Level 1s and one Level 4 (The Dark Side Sourcebook
pg. 126)
Mid-Level Jedi Investigator: level 8 (Pg. 348)

Thank you for your assistance, though I had the situation under control.

It is good to see you again (insert characters). We must remain weary, the
Sith are rising again and they are trying to hunt down those who survived the
slaughter at the Jedi Temple.

I cannot stay any longer, they are aware of my deep strength in the force
and they are hunting me. Even now they are watching While I am glad to
know you are well, it troubles me to inform you that you are now likely one of
their targets. Tread carefully.
*He puts his hood over his head and walks away with haste.*


5. A man shouts your way and offers you a seat at his sabacc table. The table is
in front of a small house and is covered underneath a cloth awning. Only a
buy-in of one hundred credits. He shouts. The other individuals at that table
seem welcoming

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