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(Christian Based Faith)/(Heresy) -

The Father (LN/LE)

The Mother (N/NG)

The Son (CE/CG)

The Pretenders/The Old Ones (NE/N)

In the beginning, there was The Father and The Mother, two supreme beings of absolute power. With
The Father at the helm, they ruled over the universe alone. The Mother grew restless with only the stern
and stoic Father as company, and thus created many far less powerful beings and a home for them to
live on. She created a palace for her and the Father to watch over them. This became the sun.

The Mother's creations took many forms, and formed communities on their new home. Famine and war
soon overtook them, as every one of The Mother's creations was flawed in a different way.
Heartbroken, The Mother beseeched The Father for help. With their combined power, they created The
Son, who would be charged with leading his Mother's charges into a golden age of peace and

When The Son took to Earth, he had scores of children with his Mother's creations. Many of his
children went on to form the races we see today, such as the Orc, the Elf, the Dwarf, and the Gnoll. But
still, even with The Son's leadership, strife continued to rule. The Son, distraught, planned the

One fateful night, The Son approached The Mother with an idea. He suggested that if they were to
mate, their children would be perfect in everyway, the same as he. The Father would've never allowed
this, as he viewed the existence of The Son alone to be a liability. However, The Mother accepted, and
their union produced the first men, the first race perfectly suited for the world they had created. The
first men were brought down to Earth, where they tamed the land and brought the golden age that was
once promised.

The Father, upon learning of this treason, was furious. He locked The Mother away in the sun and
hurled it with such force that it still spins around the Earth to this day. He built the moon, to serve as his
personal fortress, to watch and judge the children of Earth as they scheme and commit crimes under the
cloak of darkness, and to find The Son when he least expected. The Son hid out with The Mother's
original creations, now called The Pretenders by The Father for their treason and false divinity.

Eventually, The Father found The Son's hiding spot. He descended from the moon on a comet of fire,
smashing The Son against the Earth. The Son was shattered into thousands of pieces. The Pretenders
ambushed The Father, striking at him and distracting him while one of their number gathered the pieces
of The Son. Many of The Pretenders were struck down, but not before The Son was scattered across
The Universe, forming the stars.

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