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My name is Phoebe Garner.

My favorite colors are; black,

white and yellow. My e-mail is I
spend 50% having fun & 50% doing work. I get $100 per
week (lie). My #is 1234567. I prefer pizza\ KFC. Ms.
Taylor, Henry, and many others are nice teachers. I like
five subjects. They are:
Spanish & French
Moral Ed.
Tech. Ed.
Mon dame lorraine est de taille moyenne et belle. Elle a
les cheveux marron frises .Elle a de grand yeux rond. Elle
est timide. Elle est marron. Elle a un bandeau.
Wheat sugarcane coffee bean beans oats{old}

Tobacco rubber quinine cattle chicken

Horse turkey llama guinea pig

Printing press weapons small pox

Un bandeau vert. La robe est jaune, marron, bleu et orange. Elle est un Dame Lorraine.

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