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LNCT WIPRO TalentNext2017 Pre Java Training

Q1. Write a program to accept Name, Date of Birth, from user

and print age of user with salutation as per the time good
evening or good afternoon, good morning or good night.
(Use bean class, main class and service class).
Bean will store data,
Main will input/output to user
Service contains all action methods.

Good morning = after 5 am and before 12 pm.

Good afternoon= after 12 pm and before 5pm.
Good evening = after 5 pm and before 10 pm.
Good night = after 10 pm and before 5 am.

Sample output:
if inputs
Name= Vaibhav
DOB= 11/10/83

With these inputs your output will look like

Good morning, Vaibhav, you are 34 years old.

Note:- Show complied and running program to instructor.

Assessment Test Page 1

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