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Thompson 1

Davis Thompson

Ms. Levesque


11 May 2017

Believe In Yourself

Welcome parents and students to our 2017 graduation ceremony. My name is Davis

Thompson, and I am a 7th grade student at PCDS. I am going to give a speech about the main

lessons I learned this year at Park City Day School.

The main lesson I learned this year was to never doubt yourself and not let other people

put you down or make you feel that youre not good enough. I learned that if you work hard and

believe in yourself that you can accomplish anything. I also learned to always try to be my best

self in everything I do and focus on all of the positive things in my life and be grateful for them.

For example, it used to bother me when my classmates would put me down and say that Im not

smart enough or good enough at certain things. But now when they say those things, I just blow

off their negative comments because I know that its not true. When you believe in yourself,

what other people say or think about you doesnt matter.

During my 7th grade year at Park City Day School, I realized that I am capable of

achieving anything that I put my mind to if I work hard, try my best and always believe in myself

and my abilities. What other people think of me should not ever affect how I feel about myself,

because I can do anything I set my mind to.

Thank you for coming, and have a great summer break.

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