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Individualized Professional Development Plan for New Teachers

Name : Alexandria Hopp

Elementary or Secondary: Elementary
Major: Learning Disabilities (K-12)
Minor: Mathematics

Semester Student Teaching Completed: Spring 2017

School Building: St. Anthony of Padua
District: Diocese of Grand Rapids
Grade/Subject: 4th Math and English, 5th Math

School Building: Dickinson School

District: Grand Rapids Public Schools
Grade/Subject: K-7 Special Education

List any memberships to professional organizations for teachers: None at this time

List any workshops or conferences that you have attended in the past 2 years:
Fire Up Conference
Teacher of the year: Collaboration
Do it Yourself Differentiation workshop

List any articles published, presentations given, awards received, committee assignments, or research
conducted within the past 2 years:
Math PRE Workshop
Deans List

What are your areas of strength?

Creative ideas for engaging lessons
Establishing relationships with students

What are your areas in need of growth?

Classroom Management Techniques
Incorporation of technology into the classroom

What are your immediate plans for professional development (within the next 1-2 years)?

Immediately my plans for professional development include gaining experience within the classroom with
support from various resources on the internet as well as collaborating with coworkers and professional
development opportunities though the school which I plan on attending. If I am employed by a catholic
school I also plan on working towards my Catechist Certification.

What are your future plans for professional development (3-5 years)?
I plan on starting my masters of education within the next 3-5 years. I am thinking a masters of education
with an emphasis in science and mathematics. Michigan State University has a program which I am looking

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