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Camille Pond

TECH 3010-X01

Professor Hartley


Albert Einstein - Creative Person Paper

Einstein was one of historys most important physicist. The inventions he came up with

we still use in our every day life, they are everywhere. He was born in Germany and he later moved to

Italy to begin his undergrad studies. Einstein was a canton clerk and got married later after that. In 1905

he published four theories, which one of them was his most known, E=mc^2. The general theory of

relativity wasn't proven until 1919 and Einstein became instantly world famous. He later was rewarded

the prize for physics for his theory called Photoelectric effect.1 He continued his theoretical studies at

Princeton and became a US citizen in 1940. He had a deep commitment to many humanitarian causes.

Every time you pick up a cell photo or look up at a satellite image, you are using Einstein's work, which

will continue to be important for generations.2 He became a well known human in American for his

scientific contributions and free thinking. He was offered presidency in 1952 in Israel as a culture

leadership position, but declined. Einsteins creations are still being used in modern society. He put so

much efforts into his discoveries and that is was makes him so remarkable and memorable. According to

CloudBiography, His theory of relativity is one of the most important discoveries in Physics to this day.

GPS systems, nuclear power-points, DVD players, televisions, remote control devices would not be

possible without Einsteinss two theories of relativity. 3

1 . "Albert Einstein." A&E Networks Television, 28 Apr. 2017. Web. 24
May 2017.
2 Staff. "Albert Einstein." A&E Television Networks, 2009. Web. 24 May
"22 Surprising Facts About: Albert Einstein." Review. Video blog post. YouTube. Thoughty2, 24 Aug.
2015. Web. 24 May 2017.

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