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Recipe for baguettes

guette fait maison... tres bien russi... et c'tait super bon... ??????
Recette trs facile :
500 g de farine de bl
360 g d'eau tide
1 sachet de levure boulangre
Et voila le rsultat..
Pendant 20 minutes a 220 degr
Croissant buns
Recipe & step by step pictures below
3 cup flour
1 egg
1 tbsp yeast
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
3/4 cup oil
1 cup cold milk ( 2tbsp milk powder and water)
1 tbsp melted butter
Mix all ingredients together to form a dough. Cover and let it double in size fo
r 1 hour. then follow the steps as in pictures below.
Use any filling of your choice.
Egg wash and sprinkle sesame seed
Bake 180 degree for 20 min or until golden in colour.

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